October 26, 2004
1.� CALL TO ORDER: The 4th
meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2004-2005 was called to order at 1:15 PM on ,
2004 in the Corey Union Fireplace Lounge by Chair Ram Chaturvedi.
PRESENT: R. Chaturvedi, J. Rayle, P.
C. DeGouff, D. Driscoll, K.
Alwes, J. Cottone, J. Hokanson, B. Griffen, K. Pristash, D. Canaski, E. McCabe,
K. Rombach, T. Phillips, D. Vegas, D. Kirschner, N. Libous, E. Bitterbaum,
W. Shaut, J. Governali, E.
McCabe, J. Cottone, D. Kreh
ABSENT: P. Walsh, L. Anderson, J.
Peluso, A. Henderson-Harr, A. Young, P. Schroeder, E. Davis-Russell, C.
GUESTS PRESENT: G. Levine, J. Mosser, P. Koryzno, R. Olsson, M.
Prus, E. Caffarella, M. DeCiCicco, LTC Glenn Weisweber
There was a motion to approve
the Committee on Committees recommendations {SEE Committee on Committees
report} (Passed)
The chair took the
opportunity to welcome Vice Chair Joseph Rayle and Treasurer Colleen
DeGouff.� He also welcomed LTC Glenn
Weisweber who presented some ideas about holding
ROTC classes for our students
on campus.
Chaturvedi also announced
that he attended the Steering Committee meeting on October 12 where the
following items were considered: GE as an additional Standing Committee of the
Faculty Senate; and restructuring of the Faculty Senate.� It was decided to form an ad hoc committee
and the Senate�s input will be sought for input regarding its structure.
The Chair attended the SUNY
Faculty Senate meeting at Maritime College on October 21-23.� {Senator Phillips gives information regarding
this meeting in the SUNY Senator�s Report below}� The Campus Governance Leader�s Group which
Chaturvedi participated in, discussed faculty input in generating the Mission
II document.� He informed the Senate he
was not well informed on this topic and gave no contribution in this part of
the meeting.
He reminded everyone that
they had an opportunity in expressing their views in the 2005-2006 Academic
Calendar. His understanding, he said, was that the Student Senate
overwhelmingly endorsed it.
The last announcement was
that there are still unfilled positions on search committees for Associate
Provost, and Associate Dean for Arts and Sciences and Professional
Studies.� He said that if these
committees have a quorum then they can start the process so that vacant
positions can be filled.
Vice Chair Rayle introduced
Kim Rombach from Education as a newly elected Senator.
No report.
Colleen DeGouff announced
that she does not yet have official signatory on the Faculty Senate account and
was unable to get an unofficial balance from the bank. However, by her figures
the balance is $446.17, although this not confirmed.
President Bitterbaum, first
of all, announced the good news that SUNY Cortland has been recognized as an
NCATE approved institution.� He commended
G. Levine and others who contributed.�
There will be a celebratory reception in the near future.�
He then introduced the
background on the attempt to discuss whether or not ROTC would be able to
utilize a classroom on campus to accommodate students having to drive to
Ithaca.� He discussed the background
going back to 1992 and distributed a letter addressed to Dick Cheney, Secretary
of Defense.� Twelve years ago there was a
campus wide referendum not to allow ROTC to teach on this campus.� He said that when LTC Glenn Weisweber asked
if the campus would reconsider he, the President, felt compelled to bring it to
the Senate, for a full vote of the faculty.�
He finished his introduction by saying, �The faculty have changed, the
world has changed, and so I think it�s only fair to let them visit with you and
share what they have, and if, as appropriate, ask full faculty how they feel
about it.� He emphasized it should take a vote of the full faculty.
Weisweber gave a few
introductory remarks and then offered to field questions.� He opened by saying their desire was to give
freshmen and sophomores the opportunity and instruction would include goal
setting, time management, health and fitness, stress management, effective
writing and speaking skills army values, small unit tactics and leadership. He
said these are challenging times now in our nation and our army needs adaptive
and common sense leaders. He mentioned Jason Turner, SUNY Cortland class of
2004, and Rich Brown, class of 1990.�
Rich Brown was graduated and awarded his commission as officer in 1990
and is currently with the Syracuse Civil Affairs unit and also serving in
Iraq.� He is building an all girls school
in Iraq and the Colonel said he could think of no better officer suited for
this assignment, who also mentored junior level cadets prior to this duty.� He said, �Today he is applying the skills
that he learned as a student at Cortland, as well as ROTC program. I feel we
should not make it harder for students currently in our ROTC program and to
allow them to exercise their right to free association and participation in
Army ROTC which is the best leadership program in America.
Mosser said he was under the
impression that students in ROTC can benefit significantly in way of
Weisweber answered that they
do offer scholarships although 4 year ones are very tough to obtain. There is a
student here who is a junior who received a two year scholarship recently. He
said he sees two year scholarships coming from our partnerships schools such as
Ithaca, Binghamton, Elmira and Cortland.
Alwes asked if he had in
front of him the letter to Dick Cheney and he replied in the affirmative.
Alwes said that the Faculty
Senate and college as a whole wrote this letter based on the mission statement
that this college holds based on human rights for all students, including those
in ROTC. She asked if anything has changed in this letter that pertains to
changes in ROTC or in the army.
He answered that in 1992 when
the letter was written Congress passed legislation, 664 title 10 of US Public
Law, �Don�t ask, don�t tell policy.� He said he is sworn to uphold the
constitution of the US against all. enemies foreign and domestic. He mentioned
the legislation as being controversial, saying �If that policy is to be changed
it is up to our elected representatives.
Alwes said the letter still
stands. She felt that giving a classroom is saying ROTC is back on campus. She
felt that this will be part of the controversy.�
�The faculty has said ROTC will not be on the campus, including the
classroom, so I m telling you the controversy will not end here with this.�
He felt the reason was
because of the policy of the Department of Defense regarding homosexuality in
the military. He said, �We don�t ask about sexual orientation, we are not
required to tell sexual orientation...to serve on military as long as they don�t
ask, don�t tell. That�s what we abide by.�
Griffen mentioned the
directive which, he stated, is1332.14, defining the policy.� He said the code words (don�t ask, don�t
tell) doesn�t have any legal status. Furthermore, he went on to say, �I was
wondering if you could find someone who could enlighten us?� Has it been amended or dropped?� It is in complete opposition to our mission
statement in terms of diversity.�
Colonel Weisweber replied by
saying, �What I can say is recognized at alla academic institutions.� ....the mission statement for Cornell on
diversity...We can wrestle with the same issue...Their stance is, �it�s a
respectable institution, the US Armed Forces.�
It is an important business we are in. We offer the opportunity to allow
students to make their own decision whether they would associate with the Armed
Forces of the US.
Senator Griffen said, �We can�t
use those institutions as precedent setting in the sense that they may all be
in error.�� He felt we have to wait, �...for
there may be litigation going on in other institutions....This is illegal
interference on the part of the military. So failing a resolution on that, you
are asking us to move into an area we may end up defendant at the outcome of
litigation against other institutions, including Harvard.�
He mentioned Andrew Grace who
is a freshman and a participant in the program.�
He works with the swimming team, he said, and gets a ride to the VFW
post in Cortland by them because he doesn�t have transportation.� He further stated, �The inst is going to
happen. We are going to teach.� There are
students at your college who want to become officers in the US Army. We offer
them opportunity to make their own decision.� He said that SUNY Albany has ROTC
on its campus. He further stated that ROTC is 1 of 20 in the district region of
the US. Brockport has its own program and SUNY Albany is a satellite
school.� It is being taught at SUNY
campuses, he said.�
Marie Agen was recognized and
spoke. She said she is a Roman Catholic minister here. She said, �I would have
a problem for students here to participate in your activities.�� She said Dr. Bitterbaum said the world has
changed.� She stated, �It is contrary to
international law to go and attack a nation. I would be upset if it facilitated
students here. It would be more easy for them to participate in that kind of
Canaski spoke and introduced
himself as Director of Financial Aid.��
He mentioned veterans receiving veterans benefits though his office. He
felt this a choice of a funding vehicle for students. He said he is also a
Roman Catholic but didn�t object to offering scholarship to students, despite
that fact.� He said, �I don�t pass moral
judgment. It is part of intellectual openness to let students make their own
decision as to what is applicable. It�s not my call to tell people they shouldn�t
assoc with a certain group or not.� The
real situation is whether or not Cortland is endorsing the beliefs of the US
Army....whether or not it is a convenience, physical space on campus for them
to meet, that for me is a point of clarification.�
Student Senator D. Vegas
asked if an ROTC student came out and said they were homosexual what were the
Weisweber replied by saying, �If
a student performs a sexual act, makes a statement or is engaged in a marriage
contact, that is grounds for disenrollment, not earning commission in the US
Army. Our classroom is open to one and all. We have students that participate
in our programs for the leadership aspect.�
Our doors are open.� We have
foreign students. We have students from diff denominations that come into our
classes from all over...�
Buckenmeyer asked, in terms
of resources, about the fitness aspects and what sort of resources would be
Weisweber responded, �We
would like our students to be allowed to participate in physical activities,
physical training tests, do it in field house, run on track, the physical
fitness test they take every month.�
Secretary Buckenmeyer asked
from ESSS, �Would you be using physical measurement tools like we have in our
The response from the ROTC
Colonel was, �In terms of the in depth physical assessment we are kind of
Alwes said, �With buildings
down and no classrooms, as Chair of the English Department I recently had a
course schedule event and literally was told no there were no more
classrooms.� We don�t worry about other
students who have to travel to Cornell.�
We decided in 1992 we didn�t want ROTC on campus. Now because of travel
to Ithaca, I am not sure if that is something we are being asked is more
important than our policy in 1994.�
Bitterbaum spoke to the issue
saying, �In all fairness to the current faculty, there have been many e-mails
from faculty who have a different perspective now, the majority of faculty have
today. You would be surprised with the number of e-mails I have received. I don�t
know what the current faculty feel today.�
Alwes asked if the issue was
because of the snow.
Bitterbaum responded, �With
all fairness to our colleagues at Cornell, our students have to travel there,
their students have to travel here.�
Initially was driven by students travel and safety how it was presented
to him.�
Alwes reminded the President
that the mission statement hasn�t changed.
Bitterbaum responded that
both Princeton and Harvard have ROTC, along with Illinois and UCLA. He said, �In
all fairness, we have to give the opportunity for everybody to have the
discussion.� He said he didn�t expect the discussion pertaining to war.� He felt that we have to discuss it as a
community in an open forum.� He added, �If
the opinion hasn�t changed, the campus will abide by it, and so would he.�
Governali asked the
difference between the policy in 1992 compared to today?� He also asked what the position is of the
partner institutions?
Weisweber responded, �This
was legislation that was passed in 1992. After a Kentucky soldier was murdered
it was extended to, �don�t ask, don�t tell, don�t pursue.�� Partnership schools have a very solid program
with 15 students. It is very positive in terms of support from the President.�
He mentioned Elmira College and SUNY Binghamton which have the same
relationship.� In speaking of Elmira he
said there is a classroom on campus and an office with a phone. He said
Binghamton also has a classroom where they coordinate and teach on campus. He
said at Ithaca college they go to Cornell.
Mark DeCiccio from the
English spoke to the issue explaining that he is a US Army veteran who went to
college on the GI Bill.� He said the
English Department has an initiative where they contact former SUNY Cortland
graduates with English degrees to find out their satisfaction with our college.
He mentioned Jason Turner who graduated from here and was commissioned in the
Fireplace Lounge where the meeting was taking place.� He said he and Bitterbaum were present at
that induction ceremony.� He said,
referring to Turner,� �He would have
great things to say about English and Cortland on whole as a participant in
ROTC. ROTC is a good program.�
Griffen spoke saying �It is a
naturalistic fallacy.�� He said he could
point to institutions that have had not had ROTC on campus.� He felt you had to split the discussion
between legality versus policy, and if you make alliances with the military and
accept its components, since he had served in the military.
McCabe asked if there are
students who are able to participate in ROTC and are able to have access to
scholarships despite the fact they are not on the Cortland campus?
A male student Senator asked
if there were any students who are interested who could not participate due to
travel issues?
Weisweber�s response was, �We
teach freshmen and sophomores. We have been able to accommodate the one student
we have now.� Juniors and Seniors form
partnerships and are more motivated than freshmen and sophomores.�
Bitterbaum reminded everyone,
�We are not here to deviate.� He referred to the Department of Defense Research
which Griffen had alluded to.� He said, �We
do research here at Cortland sponsored by the Department of Defense.� The problem with the discussion is that it
needs to be centered, not with wars or research or with military or
homosexuality. These may still hold true to you. That�s where we deviate. I was
trying to be centered. With the interest of time they asked me if they could
come back and I�d like to be able to answer it at some point.�
Weisweber ended by reading an
article written by a sophomore at Harvard, Travis Kahula. �Students have an
association with the institution that is by and large virtuous. They are
abhorred merely by existence of ROTC on campus....to make life harder for those
who wish to exercise their rights.�
The Senate thanked Weisweber
for his time and gave him a round of applause.
Marie Agen asked President
Bitterbaum a question, �How does the Solomon Amendment of 1995 which said it
limits universities who restrict to ROTC on campus?� Does that limitation just limit scholarships,
or otherwise?�
Bitterbaum responded that he
thinks any college has the right to have ROTC on campus.� �I was willing to bring it before the Senate.
We don�t have to be penalized because we want to help our students with
whatever their goals are in life. The real question is not whether or not we
will participate in ROTC,� the question
is, we will offer space to them.� We do
our obligation in the sense that if we were in violations we would get no
federal aid, this college would close down tomorrow.�� He further stated, �This is not to cause a
rousing debate. I know its going to cause a lot of debate, but they have a
right to ask and we have a right to respond.�
D. Vegas asked how the
decision would be made.
Bitterbaum responded by the
full vote of the faculty.
Vegas asked why the students
don�t vote?
Governali said there was nothing
to stop the students from taking part. He said, �It would be informative
knowing where the students are coming from.� He encouraged the Student Senate
to let their stance be known.
Bitterbaum said that
Governali had a good point and concurred heartily.
Chaturvedi said, �Let me
assure you after discussion at the Steering Committee anything that we will do
we will contact you.��
Long Range Planning
Committee - J. Cottone reported his
committee was meeting the next day, and would be looking at the report
submitted last March which is an action report on how the long range plan is
going. He said they are trying to determine how many goals not yet resolved,
which ones can be met by end of this period during March, and those will
determine which goals they can�t meet. He said hopefully by the next meeting
they will have a report.
Educational Policy
Committee - Governali reported that
the EPC has been meeting and currently was involved in discussing regarding
transferability of grades at SUNY Cortland.�
The committee examined the policy and recommended no change in the
present policy. The college does accept transfer of credits from other
institutions, but not grades.� The
President added that the committee took up the issue driven by a letter from a
parent.� Bitterbaum expressed his
gratitude to the committee and told them he felt it was a wise decision.
Student Affairs Committee - ���� No
Faculty Affairs Committee - E. McCabe reported about a problem that arose where
the Faculty Development committee attributed her committee as co-contributing
to a survey recently put out. She said that the Faculty Development Committee
met over the summer, and although she participated in the meeting, the Faculty
Affairs Committee only had one member at that time.� The members on her committee wanted it known
that they objected to their name being put on the survey report.
College Research Committee - No report.
General Education
Committee - No report.
Phillips went over Maritime
meeting. He said that Candace DeRussy had resigned from being chair of the
Academic Standards Committee. The new Chair, Father Cremins came to speak.� Phillips gave the Faculty Senate website: www.suny.edu/facultysenate
which he encouraged everybody to visit.�
Chancellor King attended the meeting, he said, as well as Patty Francis,
who made a presentation. He said, �she sends her regards to everyone here. She
is doing very well and enjoying herself.� He informed the Senate that the BAP
(Budget Allocation Process) was discussed at the meeting. �They are going to
bring it down to major functional areas like undergraduate education, graduate
education, medical education and reserve 2% of the budget in the future towards
more performance based measurements.
Bitterbaum said, referring to
the 2% budget reserve, �We are the most underfunded of all schools in SUNY in
regards to teacher education, and asked Phillips, �Did you hear anything?�
Phillips responded in the
He then mentioned Mission
Review II, which is another issue.� He
said that there has hardly been any participation in the by draft document by
the other SUNY�s. They want the draft by December, and one faculty there
complained that there was not any faculty input at their institution.� Phillips said, �King said strongly he wants
to know which campuses have problems and he will contact them.� He wants contribution from the SUNY�s.�
Bitterbaum implored everyone
to contact him if they had any questions about Mission Review II as he wants as
much feedback as possible.� He said,� �We have gotten feedback from faculty. It is
on the Web. I am curious as to your thoughts on the matter.�
He mentioned the New Vision
for Teacher Education template to try to enhance transfer courses from two year
to four year schools, and said they may extend the templates.� He said Francis made a report on assessment and
a faculty development initiative. He said that document, as well as the Master
Plan for SUNY,� is available on the
Provost�s website.
Another new concept from the
Provost�s Office has to be done to investigate what happens to students before
they get to college.� The Honor�s
Advisory Council to see if some campuses shouldn�t be designated as honor�s
Someone brought up Geneseo
which refers to itself as the Honor�s College of the SUNY�s.
Someone asked how it was so
designated and the response from the floor was it was an initiative from their
Bitterbaum responded that it
is on their literature.
Alwes responded that, �We are
the factory of New York.�
Bitterbaum said, SUNY�s have
honor�s programs. What gives Geneseo the right? He said Provost Salins is
putting together a Provost�s Task Force to come up with recommendations and
Someone from the floor said, �Anybody
can call themselves that.�
Bitterbaum stated, �The
President just decided to do it. Their campus is not opposed. They want the
best and brightest. They come here as well.�
On another note, Phillips
reported a story complimenting Chaturvedi with the following anecdote from the
meeting.� The Chancellor didn�t appear at
the meeting.� Finally Chaturvedi asked
where the Chancellor was and why he was not in attendance.� When he finally appeared a few hours later he
said he came because he heard somebody complained about his absence. Phillips
mentioned this as the power Chaturvedi has.
Griffen said, �Maybe he�ll
give us some extra money.�
Phillips talked about tuition
policy and higher education costs. The Student Government Assembly President
talked about the possibility of freezing tuition at four year intervals.� He said nothing has been decided and that it
is on the table.
Caffarella said he reviewed
Faculty Development over the weekend for the Provost. He said, �We are on the
forefront of the most recent developments in the report. We are already doing
what the system is recommending.� He said
anyone interested in obtaining information could obtain it from the Provost�s
Committee on Committees - There was a recommendation that Susan
Stratton be elected to replace Cindy Benton on the EPC Committee who is on
sabbatical for Fall 2004; and Susan Stratton to replace Kim Williams on the
College Research Committee to complete Kim William�s unexpired term, 2004-2007.
There was no old business.
J. Cottone read the motion on
Senate Reconstruction. The Chair encouraged everyone to take it back to their
respective areas for consideration and there would be discussion and a vote on
it at the next meeting.
Kreh said, �I Suggest you all
go back to your constituencies. There will be a vote at the next meeting. It
may or may not be amended. It is a tight process to get people elected as those
representatives. The way it�s scheduled now, we need to make a report by the
last meeting of the spring semester, so needs to be done quickly. We will
debate the substance next time, but actually discuss just the process now.�
Vegas reported that ASC is
getting feedback from students concerned with the price of the meal plan, as
well as the use of Styrofoam in the dining halls. They will be attending the
Student Assembly for Student Government on November 6 and 7. SGA bought a bike
for the Student Bike Project and is sending goods to some students serving in
Iraq as a �care package.� She announced that upcoming Saturday in Corey Union
from 1 AM to midnight will be �Midnight Madness, sponsored by SGA, the VP of
Students Affair�s Office and ASC to boost school spirit and to kickoff the
basketball season.
McCabe complimented the
students for their efforts on recycling referring to their efforts at
eliminating Styrofoam in the dining halls.
D. Canaski was introduced as
the new Professional Staff Senator.
D. Driscoll reported that he
ran an election in his area, Math/Science but there were no nominees. He left
the ballot with the secretary. {See Appendix 2)
The meeting was adjourned at
2:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Kissel
Recording Secretary
The following reports are
appended to the Minutes in the order reported and submitted by Senators and
other members.
(1) Letter to Dick Cheney,
Secretary of Defense, dated March 12, 1992, regarding ROTC policy submitted by
E. Bitterbaum, President.
(2) Nominations for Math
Science senators submitted by D. Driscoll.
(3) Senate Reconstruction Ad
Hoc Committee Resolution submitted by J. Cottone.