September 30, 2003


1.CALL TO ORDER: The 3rd meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2003-2004 was called to order at 1:10 PM on September 30, 2003 in the Hall of Fame Room, PER Center, by Chair Jeffrey Walkuski.


SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT:�� J. Walkuski, B. Jackson, P. Buckenmeyer,

K. Coombs, B. Mattingly, P. Walsh, G. Beadle, M. Friga, J. Rayle, A. Johnson, S. VanEtten, A. Young, E. Bitterbaum, W. Shaut, B. Jackson, C. Plunkett, L. Anderson, T. Fay, C. Poole, M. Ali, E. Bang, D. Walker, D. Stevens, D. Hausner, R. Ruppert, D. Margine


SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: T. Phillips, E. Davis-Russell, R. Franco,


GUESTS PRESENT: D. Berger, P. Francis, D. Fish, P. Koryzno, E. Caffarella, M. Urtz,

J. Mosser



There was a vote to approve the nomination to the Faculty Affairs Committee of: David Snyder, HPER, 2003-2005; Committee on Teaching Effectiveness, Jim Hokanson, ESSS, 2003-2005, (Passed)


There was a vote to approve the amendment to the motion made by P. Walsh regarding the addition of two members of coaching/athletic training and change the wording in the College Handbook that states: �the areas most affected by the search� to include coaching and athletic training staff, to the search committee for Director of Athletic. (Passed)


There was a motion to approve the motion by A. Johnson to include the addition of a library faculty member to the search committees for Dean of Arts and Sciences and Vice President of Finance and Management. (Passed)


III.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: There was a motion to approve the minutes as amended from September 16, 2003.




Chair Walkuski opened the meeting by announcing to the Senate that he had spoken with the General Education Committee about the committee structure and the process of approving courses from the General Education program. He reported that there are subsequent issues that need to be dealt with.He stressed that any work that they do has to go through the regular procedures, both requiring approval from the Senate and the Provost.His hopes were that any changes would be reflected accordingly in the College Handbook which is presently being revised.


He then spoke about the Senate Restructuring Committee.He had called campus offices to obtain data regarding departments and updated numbers to acquire information that the committee would need to perform its work.


He also reported that he had a request from the College Research Committee asking that the Senate establish a fund to support undergraduate research and travel.He stated that, as previously reported at the last Senate meeting, the Senate endowment has fallen below its initial value.The Steering Committee tried to come up with ideas to strengthen these funds, both to support the scholarship and an initiative to support undergraduate research and travel.One of the ideas in this particular campaign was a suggestion that faculty might earmark part of their gift to the SUNY Cortland Faculty Senate Scholarship.Vice President Mosser, Vice President Institutional Advancement, looked into whether another similar fund for student travel/research existed and there was none at the present time.The Steering Committee also looked into sponsoring some events and possibly a luncheon. Walkuski welcomed any feedback with any ideas to strengthen Senate funds and support future Senate contributions to the campus.




Vice Chair Jackson reported that he was looking forward to electronic voting which is presently being worked on.




Treasurer Coombs reported that she has collected dues from most of the Steering Committee members and the dues are slowly coming in.




No report.




President Bitterbaum opened his report by sharing with the Senate about Magic 100, which consists of individuals who have a strong relationship and ties with SUNY Cortland, in addition to having connections to help the college move forward in the years ahead.He discussed an initiative to encourage future interest with a plan to send out a packet with a cover letter monthly or bi-monthly from the President�s Office telling prospective supporters of important news on campus, as well as giving them samples of the school bulletin.The idea is to widen relationships and to educate more alums, politicians and others about us.He referred to recent articles in UUP and Insight about two faculty members which highlight our faculty in a positive way and give us broader exposure.He stated that, with Vice President�s Mosser�s help, the campus is going to be building stronger relationships and he was very excited about that.


He mentioned the SUNY Research Office and reported on three proposals: the Center for Obesity where we will be bringing in everyone from sociology, nutrition, exercise science and other departments.Education is another area where a �simulation lab� will be utilized for students before they can actually go out and perform their student teaching. It would be a pre-certification and an ideal opportunity for them to try out teaching beforehand.The third is in the area of international education.He finished by saying that these were three proposals we can use to earmark to be more competitive.


Another new initiative is SUNY Cortland�s effort to reach out to local school superintendents.There was a breakfast for the superintendents from as far as Syracuse and Binghamton. The college plans to do more of these which are very fruitful and would bring people together.Ginny Marty would go around and visit with the superintendents to improve public relations.


Vice President Mosser had an idea from Bucknell�s website to showcase their faculty.Bitterbaum visited with Paula Warnken and Barbara Wisch, who were also excited about the idea.A similar attempt would be utilized to showcase our faculty�s pedagogy because we have that technological ability.


Finally, he told the Senate how proud he is of our students.There was a fund raising benefit for Larry Czarnecki�s son, Brian, who has cancer.Bitterbaum expressed that an estimated thousand students showed up to show their support and donate money.�It was very impressive. If it is an example, we should be very proud of our student body,� he stated.



No questions for the President.



No questions for the Vice Presidents.



Long Range Planning Committee - No report.


Educational Policy Committee - Chair Anderson announced that the EPC guidelines were presently being distributed on campus for a two week review period.


Student Affairs Committee - No report.


Faculty Affairs Committee - No report.




No report.




Dan Stevens, student senator, was introduced, in addition to Eunice Bang and Dan Walker. They had news to report.




Committee on Committees - Bernard Jackson asked for approval, from Chair Joanne Barry, for the approval of David Snyder, Faculty Affairs, 2003-2005; Committee on Teaching Effectiveness,Jim Hokanson, 2003-2005.��


Chair Walkuski reported that Peter Andrusyszyn, Administrative Computing, is working on electronic voting to delineate the different lines of voting faculty. It was not yet known whether or not it would be on Banner or some other mechanism. This would be in place, hopefully, early spring semester, with a trial in December.There will also be a presentation to the Senate.




The floor was yielded to Michael Urtz, Athletics, who was making a request regarding the search committee for the Director of Athletics.He expressed a need for additional representation.Urtz explained that since Athletics falls under the professional category, represented by only one individual, there is inequity since Arts and Sciences and Professional Studies have two.He felt strongly that Athletics would be the individuals most affected by the search and they should have more representation.Furthermore, he explained the history which perhaps led to the problem.�� Coaches used to be under Professional Studies, but a change was made at one time making them under Professional Staff; however, the need for more representation was never addressed.


Chair Walkuski talked about the issue, as a member ofPhysical Education faculty.Walkuski had spoken to Dean Malone, Professional Studies,who oversees Athletics.He spoke to him as a discretionary measure for reasons of protocol.Malone was not present at the Senate meeting, however. As chair, Walkuski could not speak directly to the issue, which he felt was an important one. He said the other option was that the President could appoint two additional members.


Francis pointed out this option was for affirmative action reasons only, depending on who was selected, if that balance was needed on the committee.


Young asked if amending the motion would complicate or delay things, and he expressed his desire only to assist matters. Walkuski said it would not and asked him what he was proposing.


Francis asked if the ballots had gone out and Walkuski replied that they had and there are presently ten individuals for the search.


Young stressed his desire to remedy the situation, in the way of an amendment, in the short term and looking at future long term processes.


Walkuski replied that his parliamentarian had advised him that, according to the handbook, the Senate does have the ability to appoint two additional members, �to special consideration to areas most affected by the search.������


Donna Fish said �although I certainly sympathize with your dilemma, my question would go back to historical precedent to other search committees. Is this to make sure representation is more across the campus, offering different perspectives? I am curious as to the rationale as to how the committees were constructed in the past, and if it is wise to amend individual searches without looking at the whole process.�


Walkuski commented the Senate Reconstruction Committee�s goal this year would be to look at the structure of the process and configuration of departments as well as schools and this would be addressed at that time.


Francis advised that, in the interest of time, since the ballots had gone out, if there is a way the Senate could take care of this, the Senate should do so at the meeting.She suggested that if the Steering Committee needed to discuss it, the matter could be postponed until the next Senate meeting.


Walsh moved that the Faculty Senate Chair appoint two additional members from the coaches and athletic training staff to the search committee for Director of Athletics.


Walsh then yielded to John Cottone, ESSS, who spoke to the issue.�I was the chair of the last search committee for Athletic Director and I was concerned at that time that the group most affected by the position had least representation on the committee.I think it goes beyond athletic training, sports information, sports management, so there�s a lot other groups that are directly affected by this. So I would support that the search committee was fairly represented to include these other groups.�


Jackson inquired if specific names could be submitted and Walkuski said it has already been done.


Urtz mentioned the probability, since no one knows the outcome, and the election hasn�t taken place yet, that a coach could end up being elected.However, Cottone also wanted representation through athletic training. He asked for the opportunity to bring a list of possible candidates to Walkuski who would offer the best representation.


Bitterbaum replied,I do not want to make light of the point. I think the spirit of the motion calls for the athletic who not only supervises, but works with many of the areas of physical education and exercise science.I think they will be pleased there is representation and that in the spirit of the disciplines those two departments are in that area.�


Francis enforced that the appointments are not made until the constitution of the committee is known and there would be no way of knowing beforehand what groups would be represented or not represented.


Young offered a motion to amend the original motion to include additional representation from athletics and/or athletic training.


Walkuski pointed out that the motion already stated coaching staff and Young apologized as he did not hear the correct wording.

Friga recommended pulling the wording out completely so as not to be tied to direct wording. He moved that the Senate amend the motion to remove the word coaches and Athletics.


Walkuski asked if he was proposing to amend the handbook which states, �the areas that are most directly affected by the search� and Friga replied in the affirmative.


Walkuski then called for a vote.The amendment to change the wording in the handbook carried.




Amanda Johnson, Memorial Library, presented her motion for adding library faculty to the search committee for Dean of Arts and Sciences.


Dave Ritchie from the library spoke to the motion saying that the librarians are standing faculty but not affiliated with either school.They deal with curriculum and other academic matters and are interested in having a member on these committees, but since they are not represented by a school they can�t be considered.


McCabe added that, �Sometimes we are mistaken for professionals. We are not represented by professionals, we are faculty, and we need some kind of voice in the decisions that will affect us quite a bit.�


Walkuski called for a vote and the motion carried.


Walsh came to pass around his motion proposing formation of the consultative search committee both in fall and spring to accommodate those who might not be on campus that semester.He suggested altering the College Handbook, Chapter 240.03 section 1 {See attached}


Walkuski called for a vote and the motion carried.


Vice President Mosser came and spoke to his call for additional members to the Search Committee for Director of Annual Giving. He stated that, similarly, as with the Director of Athletics search, his area was also under represented in the Director of Annual Giving search.He asked if Lisa Court and Kathy Jensen could be added to strengthen that committee.


Walkuski asked for clarification since the committee has been formed already.


Dan Walker asked what position was being referred to.


Mosser explained that the Director of Annual Giving is a position that coordinates alumni funds to support the college operating foundation for the institution and funds for scholarships and departments.


Francis said, �I�m all for inclusiveness but I am a little bit concerned that we are starting to add to committees before they are being formed. The rationale for the Athletics was clear that there were not any of their constituents that were not represented.� She asked if Kathy Jensen is a professional and Mosser replied she is employed by the Research Foundation.


Francis said she could make a case for Jensen, but since Lisa Court is management confidential and administrative, �I just think it is very irregular where the Senate is adding members before the committee is even being formed to where you don�t know where there might be any people on it.�


Mosser, with respect to my colleagues who have been here a lot longer than I, in looking at the roster it appeared that there wouldn�t be any opportunity for anyone from Institutional Advancement to be on the committee, I thought it would be helpful.


Francis asked if any professionals chose to run and the answer was in the negative.


Mosser stressed his belief by saying, �By having somebody from the area who knows the work from the function would be a valuable addition.�


Walkuski advised that since the committee hasn�t been formed it could be postponed to the next meeting.


Walker asked if there are people who have chosen not to run or were excluded.


Walkuski replied that the process is already closed.


Walker asked if they chose not to run but now wanted to be appointed or missed the deadline.


Francis clarified that there is not a slot for these two individuals, so they could not.She added, �There are certainly professional staff members in Institutional Advancement that could have run....�


There was a vote and the motion carried.




The floor was yielded by Senator Walsh to Dave Berger whose area election is underway.

Dr. Berger had a request from a �constituent� who had asked him to present it since many in his area still consider him a Senator.The inquiry was about the protocol regarding the naming of the Taylor Leadership House {See attachments.)Dr. Bitterbaum shared with the Senate any information he had. He illustrated Cheney Hall as an example that there is, in fact, a precedent for naming buildings after Presidents.He indicated there was a new process put in place last year by the Chancellor in how buildings and large things are named and this campus follows the process.This building belongs to a private entity, however.He stated that the group wanted to honor former President Taylor�s work on campus, so they made that decision. Interim Vice President Shaut reinforced that the house is not owned by the college and, therefore, does not fall under any Board of Trustee�s guidelines.Executive Assistant to the President, Dr. Francis responded that Dr. Taylor was taken to the building to honor him as a surprise and had no subsequent knowledge. She expressed her regrets that Vice President Franco was not in attendance at the meeting because he certainly was more knowledgeable and could address the issue directly.


Senator Beadle expressed his concern that the Senate slots should be filled in the Spring and his dismay because there were so many unfilled seats.Walkuski reassured him that this process is being re-examined.


Michael Friga announced that he won his area election representing Education and Joseph Rayle, who had left the meeting early.


Walkuski replied that Shawn Van Etten has also won the Management Confidential election in his area.




Donna Margine, Registrar, came to the meeting and gave a PowerPoint presentation called �CAPP on the Web�, along with Doug Hausner, Associate Registrar, and Ray Ruppert, Administrative and Academic Computing.She mentioned that this was a historic accomplishment and the fruition of a 3 year project.There will be two sandwich seminars, Wednesday, October 15 at 12:30 and Thursday, October 9 at noon. She ended by saying, �In doing that design, we would like to give the faculty ample opportunity to get accustomed to using this wonderful resource tool. It also is timely that in, hopefully, the new faculty will become engaged by using this in mid-October for the upcoming Spring �04 registration in November. It�s a wonderfully engaging advisement opportunity for a student to come in to a faculty member�s office and review CAPP on the web.�


The meeting was adjourned at 2:18 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary


The following reports are appended to the Minutes in the order reported and submitted by Senators and other members.


(1) Administration�s report to the Senate submitted by President Bitterbaum.


(2) CAPP on the Web Implementation submitted by Donna Margine.


(3) Leadership House inquiry submitted by Dave Berger.


(4) Proposal to amend the college by-laws concerning the formation of the Consultative Committee Pool submitted by Philip Walsh.

