April 5, 2005
CALL TO ORDER: The 12th meeting of the
Faculty Senate for 2004-2005 was called to order at 1:15 PM on April 5, 2005 in
the Park Center Hall of Fame Room by Chair Ram Chaturvedi. ���������� ����������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������
SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT: R. Chaturvedi, P. Buckenmeyer, C. DeGouff, D. Driscoll, P. Walsh, M. King, K. Alwes, J. Cottone, K. Rombach, B. Griffen, K. Pristash, J. Peluso, D. Canaski, D. Ritchie, A. Young, P. Schroeder, D. Walker, D. Vegas, M. K. Boland, E. Davis-Russell, R. Franco, W. Shaut, J. Governali, G. Clarke, J. Cottone
SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: J. Rayle, D. Berger, J. Hokanson, M. Barduhn, L. Anderson (sabbatical), T. Phillips, E. Bitterbaum, C. Plunkett, D. Kreh
GUESTS PRESENT: G. Levine, P. Koryzno, R. Olsson, M. Prus, E. Caffarella, Y. Murnane, L. Larson, D. Barclay, T. Pasquarello, B. Baxton, J. Walkuski, S. Jeffers, R. Gendrom, C. Helwig, E. Green, L. Caruso, C. Kaltefleiter, G. Pinckney, J. Shatsky, K. Russell, M. Lessig, R. Storch, N. Helsper, H. Botwinick, K. Dweris, S. Cohen
The Minutes from March 22 were
approved, as amended.
There was a vote to approve
Senate participation in the search for the Director of Fundraising (Failed)
There was a vote to approve
the appointment of J. Cottone to the Facilities and Master plan Oversight
Committee to replace S. Meyer (Passed)
There was a vote to approve
the Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee=s report
and recommendation for Senate Reconstruction (Passed; 14/2/2)
There was a roll call vote to
approve The ROTC Committee=s report
and recommendation that ROTC not be allowed to use classroom space on campus
(Passed 13/5).� P. Buckenmeyer,������ Against; C. DeGouff,
Against; D. Driscoll, For; P. Walsh, For; M. King, For; K. Alwes, For;� J. Cottone,
Against; K. Rombach, For; B. Griffen,
For; K. Pristash, For; J. Peluso,Against;
D. Canaski, Against; D.Ritchie,
For; A. Young, For; P. Schroeder, For; D. Walker, For; D. Vegas, For; M. K.
Boland, For.���������
The chair opened the
meeting by reporting that the Steering Committee members had met the previous
Tuesday and received a report from the LRPC Committee.� He also announced that D. Berger had also met
with the committee.� Chaturvedi then told
the Senate he had a request from J. Mosser, from
Institutional Advancement, regarding the search for the Director of Fund
raising, and asked the Senate if they want to participate, according to
handbook rules. The Senate voted and did not want to participate.� The Chair then asked for Senate approval
of J. Cottone to the Facilities and Master plan Oversight Committee, due to the
resignation of S. Meyer. The appointment was approved. Chaturvedi then
explained to the floor the need to change the agenda with Old Business being
conducted first due to discussion and vote on two proposals from the Ad Hoc
Committees on Senate Reconstruction and ROTC.�
There were no objections so the Chair introduced T. Pasquarello, chair
of the Senate Reconstruction Committee.�
Chaturvedi explained that the Standing Rules were in order and that time
for debate would be limited to no more than 3 minutes with a timer.
No report.
No report.
No report.
No report.
No report.
Long Range Planning Committee - No report.
Educational Policy Committee - No report.
Student Affairs Committee - No report.
Faculty Affairs Committee - No report.
General Education Committee - No report.
Committee on Committees - No report.
The Senate Reconstruction
Committee was represented by T. Pasquarello, chair. Pasquarello opened by
listing the members on his committee: D. Barclay, J. Barry, B. Buxton, J. Casciani, M. Holland, C. Plunkett, K. Pristash,
J. Rayle and J. Walkuski.� He explained that the committee=s charge
was to study the composition of the Senate, report the results to the Steering
committee no later than March 15, and include in its report the committee=s
recommendation, one that would insure fair and adequate representation of each
constituency of the Senate. He felt that his committee had duly discharged its
He then went into the
discussion and explained the consensus the committee had reached that a fair
distribution of seats in the Senate should represent all four areas of concern.
They reflected the distribution of voting faculty and felt it should reflect
the schools of the college as well as limits of participation.� He said, AWe recognize that some, or all, of these factors are perceived
as important to different Senate groups and considered at Faculty Senate to
have credibility for all concerns. We also realize that we believe there is no
way to hold them to a formula, to weight them....but that all needed to be
considered.@ He also explained that it had been discussed at
previous Senate meetings, as well as Chair=s meetings
in all 3 schools.� He stated that his
committee had also held open meetings on campus.� He then made the committee=s
recommendation. AThe
distribution of seats that we recommend based on a ten to zero vote in favor
was that Arts and Sciences would have: 7 seats, devised as one for each sub
school and 4 at large seats; Professional Studies would have 4 seats, all
selected at large; Education would have 3 seats, all selected at large; and
Professional Staff would have 4 seats, all selected at large. All others would
remain unchanged as they are in the 2004-2006 handbook.@� He offered to let anyone on the committee
make a statement and opened the floor open for questions.
D. Canaski
expressed that he felt it was a fair and reasonable compromise trying to blend
4 different areas together.� He said, AIt seems reasonable to me and well thought out.@
There were no other questions
and K. Alwes called the question.
The recommendation was
approved 15/2/2 {SEE Senate Actions}
K. Alwes expressed her thanks
to the committee for their good work and expressed her appreciation. There was
a hearty round of applause.
T. Pasquarello inquired as to
the disposition of this recommendation and if it would go to a faculty
referendum. The chair responded that it would go to the faculty at large for a
vote to referendum with a Ayes@ vote for
approval of the recommendation and a Ano@ vote for
disapproval.� Once the final vote is in,
he said, the results would be announced at the May 3 Senate meeting and then it
would go to the President for his final recommendation.
G. Clarke asked about the
breakdown and if every faculty member would vote in a block?
Chaturvedi explained that
faculty members would vote individually, with no breakdown by division.
P. Walsh asked the chair if
the referendum needed a 2/3 vote for approval?
Chaturvedi explained that
since this is a handbook change it required a 2/3 vote, with abstentions being
counted as a Ano@ vote.� There was a motion for approval of conducting
a faculty referendum. The chair was reminded this was not necessary, since it
is required according to the handbook.
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B. Griffen,
co-chair of the ROTC Committee, gave an overview of the last two weeks and what
has transpired.� He explained that two
open meetings were scheduled, with one being attended for approximately one
hour. The other one was cancelled due to the Agreat flood
of >05, according to Griffen.� Nothing new was presented at the one open
meeting with both pros and cons being discussed. He said that he wanted to set
in context and to get it on the record that, as co-chair, he wanted to raise
two issues. First, he wanted some sort of ruling on the prior referendum. He
explained that the initial referendum back in 1992 came as a result of a faculty
referendum that challenged the ROTC and military policy, referred to as ADon=t Ask, Don=t Tell,@ which conflicted
with our Mission Statement.� He felt that
the interpretation now is that we are having a new referendum to cancel the
prior one, when this is not necessitated.�
He felt that since nothing has changed, and according to sentiments at
the open meeting, the policies are still in conflict with the Mission
Statement.� He also wanted to share with
his colleagues and with the Senate that the campus would be subject to all
sorts of disapproval if we did not have a full hearing. He said, AI feel as a
member of the committee that allowing ROTC on campus is in violation of the
college mission statement.@�
D. Vegas asked Griffen if he knew the exact wording of the original
referendum and if there was a time frame mentioned there?
Griffen, said that
the information is on page 3 of the ROTC Committee report. He read it and
quoted, AIf the policy
is not altered by June 30, 1996...@ and that according to that the referendum stays in effect.
An unknown individual asked
for the exact referendum.
The Chair reminded everyone
that any discussion had to go through the chair.� He also explained to guests that they would
need to be recognized by Senator=s to speak.
J. Peluso asked if the charge
of the committee could be read.
Chaturvedi read the charge.
P. Walsh recognized H.
H. Botwinick said, after
discussion with colleagues who seem to understand the issue of ROTC, that it
violates our mission statement.� He
wondered why the ROTC issue is coming up again, and could only assume that it
had to do with the war in Iraq.� He said
that, although people do not want to talk about it, he and others feel that it
can not be ignored, and that people assume if you ignore it, it will go
away.� He felt the need to address the
war and its consequences, which he attempted to explain.
J. Peluso interrupted
Botwinick and reminded the chair that his speech had nothing to do with the
ROTC issue as presented on the Senate floor.�
He said, AIt=s a
political grandstand and not appropriate in this discussion.@
The chair allowed Botwinick to
H. Botwinick said that the
notion that the war is not relevant to the issue is not a valid one. He
explained that there were hundreds of campuses that were asked to have ROTC
leave their campuses during the Vietnam war, saying, AIt is the
way we said >no= to a
war...the harvesting of our young persons...@ and again
reiterated his contention that, for this reason, the ROTC program should not
become part of our program.
Chaturvedi asked Botwinick for
clarification that he was opposed to ROTC being on campus and asked if there
was anything he wanted to add that was important to the discussion as to the
report from the ROTC Committee.
Botwinick argued that the war
issue is an important one because, AA lot of
people think we are not taking students into mind, the students who take part
in this war, and we are violating their rights or discriminating against
them...I want to be clear it=s precisely
because we are very concerned about those young people, we are unwilling to
give them up so easily to this war.@ He
mentioned the casualties of the war, in addition to psychological distress,
exposure to uranium and denial of benefits.�
AIf we care
about students that is precisely why we should say >yes= to this
D. Canaski
reflected that there are a lot of deeply held emotions on this issue. He
offered a different opinion that was expressed, saying� ABut as
someone who works with students and works with them paying for school, this isn=t an issue
about whether this way or that the way is right, whether people think the
military is evil, and some people think it=s good. It=s about
students. If we send another letter to the Secretary of Defense, I bet
Donald Rumsfeld isn=t going to
sleep at night because SUNY Cortland doesn=t offer
classroom space to students. I am sure he is not going to care.� But it will make us feel good because we have
made some political point. The real issue is, we have
students, a very small minority of students, who happen to have a minority
opinion around here who have asked us, can we provide them with space to meet?
We may not agree with what they agree with, we may not agree with their point
of view, they have asked, can they have classroom space?@
Chaturvedi asked Canaski if he was in favor of bringing ROTC on campus to teach?
D. Canaski
replied that he was not necessarily in favor of what ROTC stands for, but he
was in favor of being tolerant of people with different views, requesting a
small minority of space and providing that space if it is not economically a
problem for the college to do so.
K. Alwes said, AWhether or
not we agree with these students really isn=t the
issue. The issue is the mission statement. These students
who are in the minority, as David says, can belong to ROTC, they just can=t have a
room here. If minority or majority, it simply goes against the mission
statement...always has, always will.� We
can=t say we are doing this for the students,
we are doing the mission statement for the students as well. The fact that
students gain ROTC scholarships , we cannot allow
(that according to) our mission statement, can=t allow
ROTC back on campus. Giving them a room is allowing ROTC back on. There is no
other way to look at it.@
J. Walkuski asked if he could
respectfully ask the chair if the minority report would be considered.
The Chair gave Walkuski 3
minutes to speak. Walkuski elected to wait.�
There was discussion back and forth between the chair and Walkuski.
Walkuski responded to the Chair that he just wanted affirmation that the minority
report was going to be considered.� The
Chair reminded Walkuski that was recognized.�
The Provost said, AI am not
speaking for or against the report.� I
just want to put it in context while we are here. People ask why are we
discussing this again?�
It is because we received a request from ROTC and the President then
asked that this be investigated.@
J. Governali
asked, in terms of background, if there are other groups who use campus rooms,
and if ROTC were allowed classroom space, would they pay for the space?� He asked what the context was within which
this would fall.
R. Franco responded that was a
good question. He said there is certainly a review of users and that typically
users are groups that the college is familiar with, such as community groups
and agencies, as well as statewide professional associations.� He said there have been unknown groups and
there has been an attempt to check the mission goals of the group. But he couldn=t say, in
fact, if any groups were ever rejected based on the mission statements or
values.� But he said, AIt wouldn=t surprise
me if we have, however.@
S. Cohen was recognized by the
S. Cohen said the question of
allowing outside groups on campus was whether the college was allowing outside
groups to teach classes here, other than the faculty?
J. Governali
responded that in the past TC3 has held classes here but he
didn=t know
whether they still did.
K. Russell was recognized and
explained that, as an ROTC committee member, she wanted to speak to the issue of
the mission statement which says the college seeks to establish behavior which
honors gender, ethnicity, ace, age, physical mental ability, sexual and affectional orientation or socio-economic class.� The major goal, she said, of Cortland is to
develop and maintain an atmosphere of learning about prejudice and
discrimination so the college community can strive to reduce it.� She expressed disappointment in her
colleagues who say that the college should set aside those beliefs which go
contrary to the mission statement because it still is a violation and shouldn=t be
allowed. She said she talked to ROTC students and posed the question that if a
lesbian student wanted to go to an ROTC class, what would happen, and was told
that student would feel very uncomfortable and it would be unlikely they could
attend and continue. . AI say we
can=t set those rights aside. It violates the mission
statement.� Period.@
The Chair asked for opinions
in favor of ROTC, to offer those individuals equal time.
J. Peluso said, A I think it
is about the students, and the fact of the matter, students
are adults.� If they want to
participate they do that knowing what ROTC is. If, under the mission statement,
it has goals we are debating here, I don=t see how
ROTC is violating the mission statement.�
I don=t see it. I understand everybody is concerned with
it, but I think students make a choice knowing what are they are doing.� Part of the mission statement is teaching
students how to make decision about their own future.@
J. Walkuski was offered time
by the chair but elected to defer his time to others until later.
S. Jeffers was recognized. He
explained that he is a student who went around after Dr. Griffen=s
attendance at SGA and asked around campus as to other opinions about ROTC
recognition.� He distributed a petition
{SEE Appendix 1} and got 163 signatures, he explained, and would have gotten
more if the flood had not cancelled classes on Monday.� He distributed the petition and said, AConsider
and make a decision@ and
thanked the Senate for their time.��
J. Walkuski then said he
wanted to address the premise, as stated in his minority report, about one of
the aspects the committee looked at concerning the mission statement itself,
explaining that it is explicit in a variety of issues and themes. He felt, in
his report, that he made a case regarding the military and its policies and how
it can be rectified. He prefaced his comments to those speaking in favor of
allowing ROTC to hold campuses, that the change has to
be made through the military, citizens and changing federal law.� He asked those who focused on the mission
statement if we support religious viewpoints, and if a religious viewpoint was
in conflict with our mission statement as regarding affectional
orientation, whether or not that would constitute a conflict.�� He said this issue is making headlines
around the country and named Columbia and Yale as just two.� He said, AWould those students who want to go through a program at
Cortland, would they have to bring some sort of attitudes to the military?@ or bring ideas to the military that we have given them. He
declared, AHow can we
deny the influence of the military of academia and civilian control?� I base my decision letting them hold classes
on campus based on our college learning goals for students. It is very
important to allow students to see all viewpoints.....@ He ended
by saying that he felt, as educators, the faculty has a responsibility to
encourage the above.
P. Walsh yielded time to L.
Chaturvedi asked Caruso if she
was for or against ROTC being on campus..
Caruso spoke against ROTC
being on campus. She said, AAs a gay student, I am personally threatened by the
presence of ROTC on campus. I would also like to have this body recognize that
there are students present today who took the time out to come here and voice
their opinion against ROTC. So, the fact that we are here and that our voices
are not heard in this issue, (the fact) that we are here today is a very
significant action that we are, as students, against bringing ROTC on campus. I
am personally threatened by it.@
K. Alwes responded to the
minority report by referring to the ADon=t ask, Don=t tell@ policy. She said, AAlthough
(it is) a good idea if we want our students to take new ideas to military, the
problem with that is, we don=t want ROTC
and their very old ideas on campus.@� She offered a situation that if a group such
as the Klu Klux Klan came on campus, that obviously
we would not allow that. She made it clear that she was making no parallels
between the ROTC and the Klu Klux Klan.� She said, AI don=t
understand the discussion (regarding) why don=t we let
them in anyway? Why don=t we change
the college mission statement? They don=t go
together. We can reread it, rewrite it. They don=t go
C. DeGouff
said, AWith all due respect to my colleagues, if we are
honoring the dignity and respect of all students, it sounds like we are
honoring the work of just the students in the majority. Right now we have one,
maybe two, students who participate in this program. I do not think they are a
threat to anyone on campus. For most of these students this is a funding
vehicle. We have accepted their money in the past. We continue to accept their
money. I have had a mother call me and say he (her son) is a freshman and has no way to get to Ithaca and asked the college >isn=t there
something the college can do so he can finish his program?= I just don=t think we
are honoring the dignity of those students who are in the minority.@
A. Young asked what the
mechanism was by which a situation has been created a situation where students
can take courses which are not reviewed by any curriculum process here and
taught by faculty not reviewed by our institution. Not only are they given credit,
he said, and their grade accepted, but he reminded everyone we don=t even do
that for transfer students. He asked how this evolved and called it Aa very
highly irregular practice.@
Chaturvedi was asked if Young=s question
was being addressed to the Provost.
Young explained that it
predated the Provost=s arrival but she could respond to it if she knew.
The Provost explained that it
did predate her arrival and she had no idea how it came into place.
The chair asked anyone from
the President=s Cabinet
if they knew.
G. Levine responded that she
thought it originated from a joint agreement that would allow students to take
classes at the Cornell campus and apply that for a grade at Cortland.
P. Walsh said that it was his
understanding that Cornell does not accept SUNY Cortland courses.
Levine said that is correct.
P. Buckenmeyer
asked for a point of clarification, if a course under Cornell was in terms of
no credit?� He asked if a course is
taught at this campus, would it or would it not, be considered for credit?
Levine explained that ROTC is
listed in our college catalog under Ainter-disciplinary.@
B. Griffen
recognized J. Shatsky.
J. Shatsky
expressed that, as he felt some might be aware, there is a current of unrest
with some students on campus who seem to be getting more confused and
frightened about various things. He said that their response is by being sick.
He had checked with R. Peagler from Student
Counseling Services and found that the number of students needing intervention
had tripled during last year.� He said
that although the number is not large, it is growing.� He said the issue and presence of ROTC has
enhanced growing uncertainty among those more vulnerable. He said that this
should be a consideration for thinking about the mental and emotional needs of
students on campus, that although not� everyone would be affected, those who
are affected have to be considered.
P. Walsh recognized R. Gendrom.
R. Gendrom
introduced himself. He said AI am a gay
student. I am a freshman this year. I came to this campus with the idea that I
would be accepted by everyone for who I am and that I
was coming to a place where people would be educated and caring towards humanity...I
do feel threatened by ROTC on campus.�
Even if just two students came...all it takes is 2 people...hatred can
spread so far...we=ve seen that before in this country.� Why would we want to breed hatred? All it
takes is two people.@ He said
that although he understood that not everybody would be affected, he felt that
just having their presence on campus allows prejudice to spread.� He said he would be here 3 more years and AI don=t want to
go to a school that allows a group on campus who would allow discrimination
against me because of who Ia
D. Canaski
said that he wanted to object to the assumption that an ROTC student is
necessarily intolerant, or hateful, or agrees with the work conditions of his
employer.� He said that he would assume
that we do not all agree with President Bitterbaum,
or with every policy on campus, and that what we are really talking about is
not a couple of individual students, we are not saying anything about their
character, but that these are just people who have an employer who has
something we find objectionable as a group. He said, ALet=s not
personalize this.@
Secondarily, his question was, AWhere do we
go from here?� We had a previous
referendum and what should the correct procedure be?@� He wanted clarification as to exactly what
was being voted on,�
pertaining to a referendum.
Ram asked for clarification of
Canaski=s question.
Canaski clarified
whether or not the ROTC recommendation has to go to referendum?
The Chair responded that it
would go to a referendum either way and that for this a majority vote is needed
because the handbook is not being changed on this.
K. Rombach
expressed that she felt there was a missing link.� She mentioned the mission statement and said
that what is missing is that maybe there needs to be something in place that
establishes policy on outside groups that might not be in alignment with our
college mission statement. She said that not having a policy to address outside
groups who are not in accord with our mission statement is the problem.
E. Davis-Russell said, AI just wanted
to make a response to that, whether policies are developed, it has to do with
recognition that we are a public institution, not a private institution. When
we make policies that keep the public out, we have to deal with (the fact that)
we are a public institution.
B. Griffen
spoke in response to D. Canaski, that he felt, in interpreting the mission statement, we
have to think of the institutional entities, and the institutional entity that
speaks to the college mission statement. He said that President Bitterbaum is an individual and connected to the mission statement, and to a higher education ethos and ethics in
general.� He said that the group needs to
deal with the institutional voice that speaks against prejudice and
discrimination.� He mentioned that in the
fall he spoke to President Bitterbaum about the ROTC
issue and was open and honest with him, although now he expressed his regret
that he was not more forceful in his response.�
He said that he was not sure if the referendum was not inevitable. He
shared his disappointment that the President was not present at the
meeting.� He said, AYou can=t vote out
students rights@ and that
the issue of the prior resolution had to be addressed.� He supported the testimony that the most
vulnerable would be most affected and that for that reason we should offer them
The Provost had a point of
information, saying, AThe
President does know the history. The President does know about the referendum.
He did his homework. When the request was made of him, he talked with people
when he had the time. He does know about the referendum, but because a new
request had come in, he wanted to follow the process to see what the thinking
was on campus now. He did the same as he did with the arming issue, that even
though it had not been his position, he brought it to the community, as he is
bringing this to the community.� So, it=s not
fair to say that he is unaware of the history of this. He is quite
knowledgeable about it.@
B. Griffen
said that he was quoted ad hominem.� He said that the 1992 referendum has not
changed things at all, and he didn=t think the
President was ever asked. He said, AShould we
have a resolution to overturn the previous one?@� He ended by saying that he didn=t think it
was on the record anywhere.
D. Vegas said, AWe keep hearing this is about the students.@� She said that from talking to faculty,
administrators and students, she didn=t feel the
faculty truly cared as much as they said they did. She said that the students
have been lobbying for the student vote for 5 months, and that a student wide
referendum should carry weight.� She
stated that if there is a faculty referendum she would spend all of her time
lobbying President Bitterbaum to make sure that it
carries just as much weight.
R. Storch expressed that she
is against ROTC. She wanted to respond to D. Canaski
about the power of institution. She said that she cared about students and that
she is close to one or two students in the ROTC program, expressing, AHe=s not
sexist, not racist, thoughtful,and he can still take
ROTC at Cornell.@� She said, AWith buildings down and lack of space...and in regards
to the mission statement, there=s no change
to the rules at this time.@�
L. Larson spoke against
ROTC.� He stated that he was on the 1992
committee that looked into it.� He
referred to K. Rombach=s
statement, in response to policy, that there are anti-discrimination rules and
whenever a recruiter comes on campus to Career Services they must sign a waver.
The only case, he said, where this doesn=t apply is
regarding the military, due to a mandate from the Governor, making them exempt.
In reference to credit, Larson said, Cornell=s
instructor teaches, the student gets credit which is given by Cornell and then
entered into our system. Then the student is given a grade through Cornell, but
it=s SUNY Cortland=s
credit.� He said, AMany on the committee feel we have never been in
compliance with the original referendum in 1992 because we allow them to get
credit here.@
G. Clarke
said, AI am against this.@ But he
expressed a difference in view due to a difference regarding the last
referendum.� He thought that to allow
through the Cornell affiliation to conduct classes here, which he felt was not
the same as in 1992, and might explain the President=s actions.� He felt that since ROTC=s politics
are like saying Ayou are not
welcome here,@ that goes
in disagreement with our mission statement, which is to be inclusive to
J. Peluso made a motion that
the Faculty Senate support a student referendum to be
conducted by SGA.� He also said he didn=t see why
the Faculty Senate was supporting this resolution.
A motion was made for SGA to
have a student referendum.
M. King was not in favor of
this motion, saying that students are only here 2-3 years, while the faculty
could be here 50 years, and the faculty was more impacted in the long run
because this could affect this campus for half a century.
D. Walker
said, AI live here. I go home at night and for
four years...I am going to be here for four years...four very developmental
years.@ He said, AI feel that
the student voice should be considered on this issue.@
J. Waluski
reminded everyone that since this is a curriculum matter, that if the
resolution is voted on, it needed to be in more precise language.
P. Walsh challenged Walkuski
that it is a faculty issue, not a curriculum issue.
Chaturvedi reminded everyone
that there were two motions on floor at the same time.� He wanted to discuss a vote on the ROTC
D. Vegas called the question
and D. Walker seconded.
There was general confusion
about what was being voted on.
The chair said that the motion
was to accept the ROTC Committee=s
recommendation and report.
D. Vegas said that the motion
on the floor stands.
K. Pristash
reminded everyone that the report is the motion.
Chaturvedi clarified that the
motion was to accept the report from the ROTC committee.
P. Walsh stated to the chair
that people weren=t finished
their discussions.
D. Vegas reminded Walsh that
calling the question could be voted down, if necessary.
There was a vote to approve
calling the question on the ROTC committee report.�
The vote was approved 10/5.
D. Vegas called for a quorum.
The chair responded to Vegas
that the quorum had been checked, with 13 being the minimum number required.
G. Clark asked if this report
was approved would there be a referendum?� He also asked if it would be decided by the
majority of faculty or majority of faculty voting?
The Chair responded that it
would be the majority of faculty who voted.
A. Young said that he didn=t see
anything in the charge as to a referendum.�
He said since accepting this report meant no change since 1992, he couldn=t see the
need for a referendum.
D. Griffen
said that this came from a pronouncement from President Bitterbaum.
A. Young asked if the
President was going to be conducting the referendum?
B. Griffen
said that this was not the responsibility of his committee.
J. Governali
agreed with Griffen that it was his understanding
that the Faculty Senate would conduct the referendum, not the President.
D. Vegas reminded the chair
that since a motion was on the floor, the Senate needed to vote.
R. Chaturvedi asked for a vote
to accept the ROTC committee report.
An unknown individual asked if
the vote included the minority and majority report?
Another unknown party
responded that the reports were all folded into one and were not separate.
M. King called for a roll call
The ROTC committee report was
voted on with a roll call vote:
P. Buckenmeyer�������
C. DeGouff���������������
Driscoll���������������� Approved
Walsh������������������� Approved
King�������������������� Approved
Alwes������������������ Approved
Cottone����������������� Opposed
K. Rombach�������������
B. Griffen�����������������
K. Pristash����������������
Peluso������������������� Opposed
D. Canaski���������������
Young������������������ Approved
Schroeder������������� Approved
Walker����������������� Approved
Vegas������������������ Approved
M. K.
Boland������������ Approved
The vote to accept the ROTC
Committee=s report was approved 13/5
The chair announced that the
committee report was approved.� He said
that it would now go to a faculty referendum.
D. Vegas made a motion for a
student wide referendum.
The chair asked for
clarification if this referendum included students and faculty?
J. Governali
inquired as to what was stopping the students from conducting one on their own?
D. Vegas responded, AWe are not going to waste our time if you guys aren=t going to
consider it.@
D. Governali
asked Vegas if a non-binding opinion encompassing the vote of the faculty would
not count?� He
reminded her that the Senate had already voted in favor of the ROTC
D. Vegas said that President Bitterbaum told her the students could hold a referendum
but that it wouldn=t be taken
into consideration.
The chair said that this is a
faculty referendum and if the students want to hold their own, they can have
one. He said he couldn=t speak for
the President because he was not present.
G. Levine said that the
President told her that if this came up, to remind the students that they have
3 student votes on the Senate.
N. Helsper was recognized and
said she didn=t
understand why this was going to a referendum. She said that with the firearms
issue the President formed a committee which gave their recommendation and the
President made his decision.��
There was a reminder to the
chair that the motion on the floor to vote on the student wide referendum in
conjunction with a faculty referendum.�
The students told the floor
that this issue would affect them deeply for four years and they insisted on
inclusion in the referendum.
D. Canaski
repeated the motion pertaining to the student wide referendum.
A. Young stated that the
students can hold a referendum and that the faculty and campus would Awatch and
read the results with interest.@� He felt no such referendum was necessitated.
There was a motion by D. Vegas
to table the business to the next meeting.
The chair called for a vote on
the student wide referendum.
The motion was defeated (7/9)
The chair announced that the
ROTC Committee report and recommendation would now go to a faculty referendum.
No new Business.
No report.
No report.
No report.
The meeting was adjourned at
2:38 PM
Respectively Submitted,
Barbara Kissel
Recording Secretary
following reports are appended to the Minutes in the order reported and
submitted by Senators and other members.
Petition signed by faculty and students in support of ROTC holding classes on
the SUNY Cortland campus, submitted by S. Jeffers (student)