��������������������������������������� ���October 28, 2008


1. CALL TO ORDER:  The 5th meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2008-2009 was called to order at 1:10 PM on October 28, 2008 in Corey Union, Exhibition Lounge by Chair William Buxton.


SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT: B. Buxton, K. Lawrence, J. Duncan, I. Jubran, N. Helsper, H. Botwinick, D. West, D. Miller, J. Reese,

J. Governali, J. Hendrick, O. White, D. Harrington, T. Vigars, D. Videto, M. Ware, S. Snell, M. Dwyer, M. Rainsford, C. Hahl, M. Prus, G. Sharer,

R. Kendrick, C. Cirmo, S. Anderson


SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: J. Shedd, J. Walkuski, J. Rayle, B. Langhans, A. Dahlman, E. McCabe, E. Bitterbaum, R. Franco,

W. Shaut, T. Phillips


GUESTS PRESENT: P. Koryzno, B. Mattingly, K . Alwes, M. Kennedy, K. Pristash, K. Russell


II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes from October 14, 2008 were approved.



There was a vote by acclamation to approve the nominations from the School of Professonal Studies and Education for the Academic Grievance Tribunal (Passed)


There was a vote to approve the nominations from Arts and Sciences for the Academic Grievance Tribunal (Passed)


There was a vote to approve the proposal of two full-time lecturers as voting members of the Senate; one to be elected at large from the School of Arts and Sciences; one to be elected at large from Education and Professional Studies combined (Passed; 16/2)


There was a vote to approve the amendment to the Faculty Affairs Proposal, from H. Botwinick, as follows:�I recommend that the Senate adopt all changes to the Faculty Affairs Committee which are recommended in Part Two of the Review of Governance Report except for the stipulation that the chair of the FAC shall become a voting member of the Senate (See pages three and four of the detailed grid for Senate Standing Committees).On page three of the Review of Governance report, the third explanatory bullet under �Re Chair� should therefore be removed.� (Passed)



The Chair opened his report announcing names of nominees for the Academic Grievance Tribunal.After a brief discussion regarding the unusual circumstances regarding the process there was a vote and the following individuals were elected:Joseph Rayle, Ellen Jampole, School of Education; Kate Polasek, School of Professional Studies; Suzanne Polley, Donna West, Arts and Sciences.


Chair Buxton reported on the next item of business concerning the University Police Advisory Committee, announcing that the process would take place similarly to the Academic Grievance Tribunal, since there are no guidelines according to the College Handbook.K. Lawrence, a former member of the committee, stated that the committee meets once a month and would mail and informational packet upon request.Chair Buxton announced he would send out an e-mail looking for volunteers.Six members are needed and then submitted to President Bitterbaum who would appoint three members to serve on that committee.


The last item of business was a report that H. Steck has not completed a report from the Ad Hoc Committee on External Review as promised, but is working on having someone from the committee prepare one as soon as possible.



No report.



No report.



No report (absent.)



M. Prus gave a report in the absence of President Bitterbaum who was out of town at an alumni event.


The Provost opened with a report on the Strategic Plan initiative, which includes recommendations from the Long Range Planning Committee, and there will be updates on the progress.


The next item of business concerned the budget, with no new information, including a reminder that there will be nothing to report until after the election and the November 18 session of the Legislature and Board of Trustees meeting.


Provost Prus reported on the third item of business concerning energy and budget saving ideas, including the Summer Scheduling Proposal which has been sent to the EPC, and possibly being extended to the entire campus.M. Prus announced that Joanne Barry has looked into drafting a proposal that will be looked into by the Cabinet, although there is presently an alternative work schedule in place which employees can participate in, which is voluntary.


The final item on the report was progress on the Student Life Center. Provost Prus reported on the planning schedule for the Center which is anticipated to be finished by July 2014.


D. Miller asked a question involving the additional costs of maintenance for the Student Life Center.


M. Prus responded that consultants will take responsibility for evaluating energy for the Student Life Center, but although 51 million will come as the strategic initiative for the college, the amount is fixed, and that amount will shrink due to inflation.


H. Botinwick asked a question concerning the use of words such as �gold� and �platinum� phrased by Prus in the President�s report and whether this meant the Student Life Center might be considered a green building.


M. Prus responded in the affirmative indicating that energy usage would be a consideration involving the use of renewable and recyclable materials.


H. Botwinick asked if the Student Life Center would mean opening up additional classroom space in Corey Union.


M. Prus replied that additional classroom space would be created on campus, especially in Moffett since the gymnasium area would be reallocated.


M. Ware asked a question regarding the proposed summer schedule and how the Memorial Library would be affected concerning air conditioning and other factors..


M. Prus responded that he did now know.


J. Hendrick asked a question regarding the summer schedule and time accruals due to time taken off..


M. Prus replied that time was based on a 37-1/2 hour work week and the details would need to be worked out.


D. Miller mentioned the campus carbon imprint and if it would increase or decrease with the opening of the Student Life Center.


M. Prus indicated there would be a life cycle cost analysis.




Long Range Planning Committee C. Cirmo, Chair � The Chair reported on the Strategic Planning Steering Committee and a concern his committee has regarding the specific charge of the LRPC Committee.He read the section in the College Handbook under item 2d which discusses the role of the LRPC, requiring a mandatory review every two years. He asked Chair Buxton if this had ever occurred. Buxton speculated that it probably had not taken place but offered to find out any information and report back to him.Cirmo indicated that his committee members feel the time is right for the LRPC to review its role as a committee of long range plans and indicated many examples of already existing strategic plans on campus, including Academic Affairs and Student Affairs.He indicated that Provost Prus had not yet come up with a clear charge for the Long Range Planning Committee.


Provost Prus responded that the statement was not entirely true and mentioned the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, whose intent was to steer the campus.He also indicated that the committee of 15 members also includes the Faculty Senate Chair, Bill Buxton, as well as other Senators.He said there is some overlap between the two strategic planning groups with an intent to incorporate as many perspectives as possible.Provost Prus then read from a letter of invitation that went out.


C. Cirmo mentioned his committee�s intent, with so many strategic plans on campus, to try to coalesce them into a mission for the campus.Chair Cirmo then asked Provost Prus a question involving the Mission Review and MOU3, whether or not it would take place, considering there is no current Chancellor.


Provost Prus indicated that the Mission Review and MOU3 are up in the air at the present time.


Educational Policy Committee � R. Kendrick, Chair � R. Kendrick reported on the Summer Scheduling Proposal which has gone out for a two week review period, ending on November 3 or 4.He indicated he has received three comments and encouraged interested parties to contact him with feedback.The next meeting is Thursday, October 30 in Old Main Room 218 from 2-3 PM. Kendrick stated that two meetings ago Associate Dean J. O�Callaghan and S. Anderson discussed the overlap issue.The last item of business was that the EPC Committee has been contacted by J. Walkuski, Chair, Graduate Faculty Executive Committee, involving an attempt to work together to clarify the relationship between the two committees.J. Walkuski feels there is a lack of clarity regarding who is responsible for each specific policy.Kendrick also reported that the minutes of the EPC meetings are posted online at the Faculty Senate website, with the assistance of Janet Ford, Faculty Senate Secretary, posting them there.


Student Affairs Committee � T. Phillips, Chair � No report (absent.)


Faculty Affairs Committee � J. Walkuski, Chair � No report (absent)


College Research Committee � No report (absent)


General Education Committee � D. Miller, Chair �D. Miller reported that the General Education Committee website is being updated and will be up and running shortly for display.




Committee on Committees -J. Barry, Chair � No report.



No report.


XII. SUNY SENATOR�S REPORT � M. Ware � The SUNY Senator gave a report which is appended to the minutes along with 4 resolutions.Two of the resolutions seek the Faculty Senate endorsement and will be items under Old Business to be discussed and voted on at the next meeting {SEE Resolutions 150-02-01 and 150-01-01}



C. Hahl gave a brief report reporting on the Student Assembly who recently voted to approve a tuition increase.



The Old Business regarding the addition of two full-time lecturers to the Senate to be elected at large, one from Arts and Sciences, and one from the School of Professional Studies and Education combined, was discussed at length and voted on {SEE Senate Actions}


J. Governali opened by repeating the need for clarification as to why the full-time lecturers do not receive representation, like other faculty members, through their departments and feel the need for a special designation.Governali handed out copies of the bylaws from the handbook indicating that the bylaws need to be changed first before adding more seats.


K. Alwes was recognized and responded saying that full-time lecturers are not in the pool as voting faculty. She indicated that during the suffrage movement it was suggested that men could vote for their wives, and indicated this amount to the same thing.She mentioned L. Ashley who had provided the data in numbers documenting that with the volume of full-time lecturers being involved in important curriculum matters on campus, teaching 25% of the courses taught here, the importance of including this group of faculty on the Senate. Karla stressed how much the campus depends on this group of faculty members.


K. Russell spoke in support of the proposal calling it a moral issue not unlike taxation without representation.


H. Botwinick expressed his need for closure on the issue indicating his embarrassment at the obvious inequity. He reported that changing the bylaws has been an ongoing part of the discussion as the process has evolved, and reported in response to J. Governali that each department acts differently as far as allowing for representation of full-time lecturers, who may not all be truly represented.


J. Governali mentioned the process as a backwards approach since no conditions have been laid out.


H. Botwinick reaffirmed that once the proposal was passed and went to the faculty referendum the bylaws would be changed. He stated that this was the first stage of the process.


J. Governali restated that the proposal was out of order according to the bylaws and they need to be changed, stating that one can�t add seats without changing them.


H. Botwinick stated that there was always an understanding that the bylaws would be changed as part of the process.


B. Buxton asked a point of clarification if the proposal was passed would this automatically change the bylaws.


H. Botwinick responded that when it went to a referendum the bylaws change would take place.


B. Buxton stated that there were members already on the Senate who were not faculty members who had been added previously without a faculty referendum.


J. Governali stated that the process could not take place procedurally until the bylaws were changed first.


M. Kennedy was recognized and implored the Senate to do whatever it took including changing the bylaws to include full-time lecturers, encouraging people to contact with other universities who have included full-time lecturers in their governance bodies, including UCLA and Temple.She indicated that she felt it was embarrassing as an institution of higher education that SUNY Cortland is lagging behind.


M. Prus responded that it is not an issue of changing the bylaws since voting rights are defined by the Board of Trustees policies, and pointed out that Classified Staff have already been included without such a measure taking place.


O. White responded that his department unanimously supports the proposal and reminded everyone that no one has indicated adding the seats would be detrimental.


R. Kendrick mentioned representation on the Senate as one issue and full-time lecturers having voting rights regarding curriculum matters on campus as a separate issue.


N. Helsper asked if one could not change the definition of faculty given by the Board of Trustees.


H. Botwinick responded that you could make the definition broader but not narrower.


K. Russell mentioned the peanuts she had passed out from the Contingent Faculty Organization on campus and asked for a show of support on Equity Days for the part-time colleagues.


H. Botwinick agreed with R. Kendrick, referring to the bylaws, that there should be a discussion during the referendum regarding voting on curriculum matters.


K. Alwes stated that this came up last year when she was Faculty Senate Chair and the process should be the same.


D. Miller stated that he felt the proposal was doing no harm but would be doing harm by not recognizing this group of faculty.


N. Helsper called the question.


The vote was approved, 16/2.




The Old Business regarding the Faculty Affairs Proposal involving the chair being elected by the campus was discussed and will be voted on at the meeting in two weeks.


H. Botwinick submitted an amendment {SEE APPENDIX 2}.Senator Botwinick mentioned the grid from the Review of Governance Report which was passed around for reference and explained why he realized the need for the amendment.


R. Kendrick indicated that, although initially he had not been in favor of the proposal, he now felt that it could be tried out as a reference point for all of the other committees.


There was a vote on the amendment to the proposal involving the Faculty Affairs Committee {SEE Senate Actions}


H. Botwinick discussed the controversial nature regarding the chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee being elected at large and structuring problems that had occurred over the years. He also mentioned in the Review of Governance deliberations committee members reporting that as junior faculty members they chaired important policy committees and their discomfort.Senator Botwinick also referred to the Review of Governance Report survey where a majority of faculty members indicated the Faculty Affairs Committee Chair should be a tenured faculty member.He indicated that such a measure would raise the status of the Faculty Senate and make it a more serious, respected body.


J. Governali offered an amendment to exclude any mention of the chair being elected at large and being tenured.


J. Hendrick indicated that she felt the procedure should be talked about as a whole at some point discussing all committees at the same time as far as procedures of electing the chair.


D. West spoke about her concerns regarding the possibility of double representation with a chair possibly having two votes.


J. Hendrick indicated it happens anyway.


H. Botwinick reminded the Senate that not all proposals are perfect and this proposal could bear the weight for all of the others to follow.


R. Kendrick responded that the chair being a tenured faculty member makes sense but does not see people expressing much interest in chairing the committees.However, he felt that at least it could be tried out to see if it was practical.


B. Buxton ended the session due to lack of time and stated that the discussion on the amendment would continue in two weeks.



There was no new business.


Respectfully Submitted:


Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary


The following reports are appended to the minutes in the order they are submitted:


(1)    SUNY Senator�s Report, Fall Faculty Senate Plenary, Resolutions:diversity and educational equity; transfer and articulation; New York State Commission on Higher Education; Effect of New York State�s Budget on SUNY


(2)   College Handbook Section on faculty governance submitted by J. Governali


(3)   Faculty Affairs Proposal amendment, submitted by H. Botwinick


APPENDIX 1 � SUNY Senator�s Report

����������� Submitted by M. Ware


����������������������������������������������������������� ����������� Fall Faculty Senate Plenary

Friday, October 17, 2008

Senators received a welcome from Potsdam President John Schwaller and Chair of the New York Democratic Committee June O�Neill.Ms. O�Neill encouraged senators to promote our campuses via our other community activities.She also, interestingly, suggested that when looking for campus support that we consider other individuals than college graduates.The local small business owner may not be a college graduate but he/she may be a big supporter of our school.��

Faculty Senate President Carl Wiezalis reported that the Chancellor�s search continues.The budget problems continue, too.�� An interesting point was raised by another senator: should Presidential scholarships be abolished/suspended so that funds could be directed solely on need?Reportedly, some campuses have already done away with these scholarships.

There was a presentation by Jason Kramer, the executive director of the NYS Higher Education Initiative (NYSHEI), a group of public and private library systems.He talked about the need to adequately fund access to libraries.

Dr. Ram Chugh, Director of the SUNY Retiree Service Corps, updated the UFS.If retirees are asked they are highly likely to volunteer as needed.By honoring our retirees we are honoring our past.He would like to be given the names of all retirees who might be interested in joining.Ram�s email address is Ram.Chugh@suny.edu.He recommended that as the campus faces budget cuts that our retirees should be considered for voluntary service.

The Interim Chief Financial Officer, Jim Van Voorst, spoke about the budget. He mentioned that perhaps administrative systems, equipment and travel expenditures could be arrested for the year�.The budget should be available November 18, 2008.They are looking to cut $96,000,000.Jim believes that the Governor�s announced Executive Budget, one month early, on December 16, 2008, will not be good news.There was much questioning and discussion after his presentation.

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Business, Industry and Workforce Development, Barbara Drago, presented on the topic of collaboration and cooperation.She explained the origin of the Business and Education Leadership Cooperative (B&E).

Doug Leavens, Director of Career and Technical Education from a 4-county BOCES program discussed Strategies to Develop a 21st Century Workforce.Schools and business must affiliate.Not that we should �teach to the test� but we should know what skills are needed.

The Provost, Dr. Risa Palm gave her report.She addressed the decline of state support of public education.She spoke briefly, but passionately, about our need to work cooperatively with SUNY Administration in the current economic crisis.She shared her history as a product of public education.

Saturday morning, Oct. 18, 2008

Resolution on the Effect of NYS Budget on SUNY passed unanimously.

Resolution on Implementing the Recommendations of the NYS Commission on Higher Education passed unanimously.

These resolutions are so important that they should be voted on by each campus individually.

Transfer and Articulation Resolution was a more contentious item.There is a belief that if we do not address this issue that the legislature or the Board of Trustees will take it over.Lengthy discussion ensued.A survey of transfer admissions officers of both 2 and 4-year schools revealed overwhelmingly that no problems exist, that transfers occur almost seamlessly.The Board of Trustees discounted the survey because students were not surveyed.Resolution applies to AA and AS courses only.AAS and AOS degrees are not under consideration. The resolution passed with only 2 negative votes.

Committee Reports will be available online at: http://www.suny.edu/facultysenate/

Awards Committee

Resolution: to allow one to hold more than one Distinguished Faculty Rank failed by a vote of 19-13.

Operations Committee

A resolution will be presented in January to move Farmingdale from the Specialized and Statutory Group to the Colleges of Technology.

Special Committee for Diversity and Cultural Competence

Resolution on support for mission and leadership of the Office for Diversity and Educational Equity was passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ware, SUNY Cortland Faculty Senator

(with thanks to Margaret Ryniker, Senator from Oswego)


Resolution on Implementing the Recommendations of the New York State Commission on Higher Education

Whereas, the final report of the New York State Commission on Higher Education recommended a series of actions that would enhance the value of public higher education to New York State by moving it more firmly into the 21st century.

Therefore, be it resolved, that the University Faculty Senate urges Governor Paterson and the New York State Legislature put into effect the ten major recommendations of the New York State Commission on Higher Education at the earliest possible time.

150-02-1 passed without dissent

Resolution on Implementing the Recommendations of the New York State Commission on Higher Education

October 18, 2008

Among the Commission�s major recommendations are the following:


        Establish a $3 billion research fund, the Empire State Innovation Fund,

����������� to support meritorious research important to New York�s future.


        Create a low-cost student loan program for residents attending college in

����������� New York State.


        Establish the New York State Compact for Public Higher Education to clearly

����������� delineate shared responsibility for public higher education resources.


        Rebuild CUNY and SUNY faculty ranks by strategically hiring an additional

����������� 2,000 full-time faculty from diverse background, including 250 eminent

����������� scholars, over the next five years.


        Modify SUNY�s governance structure and system administration to provide

����������� more focused attention and support for the research companies.


        Provide meaningful regulatory relief for SUNY and CUNY, by removing

����������� restrictions that impeded campuses� ability to adapt quickly and promote quality.


        Develop Educational Partnership Zones in high-need school districts, bringing

����������� together higher education and P-12 resources to improve student outcomes and

����������� Enhance college participation.


        Ensure that high school graduates are well prepared for college through a

����������� College Readiness Act.


        Strengthen articulation and transfer throughout SUNY and CUNY with a goal

����������� of system-wide articulation of comparable courses and seamless transfer into

����������� Parallel programs by 2011-12.


        Address the backlog of critical maintenance at SUNY and CUNY with a

����������� sustained program of capital reinvestment.


Resolution on the Effect of New York State�s Budget on SUNY

Whereas, SUNY is being treated budgetarily as being similar to other state agencies in the Executive Branch, and

Whereas, contrary to the other state agencies, SUNY is not only a provider of important services but it is also a critical investment in the future of New York State, and

Whereas, the level of budget cuts currently announced will substantially weaken the academic reputation and status of SUNY as an institution of high academic quality by causing a serious loss of current faculty and making the recruitment of new talent (faculty and students) almost impossible, and

Whereas, the current budget cuts are so severe that they will undermine New York State�s investment in its future by making it more difficult for students to have access to the courses and programs they require, which will lengthen the time that they take to graduate and thus delay their entrance as productive members of society and the labor force as well as also incurring greater costs for their education, and

Whereas, the current financial crisis that is gripping New York State and the nation, and which is likely to continue for several years, will lead to increased unemployment that will result in an increase in the numbers of citizens seeking to acquire new or to enhance existing job skills by enrolling in SUNY,

Therefore, be it resolved, that the University Faculty Senate, as the representative body through which the faculty and professional staff engage in the governance of the University, believes that SUNY should not sustain the same percentage budget reductions as other state agencies, and

Be it further resolved, that the state publicly acknowledges SUNY as a significant investment in its future and as an engine of economic productivity that New York State sorely needs, and

Be it further resolved, that the faculty and academic and professional staff, who define the university, must be preserved at all costs even during periods of budget shortfalls, and

Be it further resolved, that the SUNY adopts a �rational tuition policy� that leads to small, predictable, annual tuition increases tied to a relevant inflationary index such as the Higher Education Price Index, which should not be used as an alternative to required state appropriation, and

Be it further resolved, that Governor Paterson and the Legislature should restore to SUNY a substantial portion of the budgets cuts already made and provide sufficient funds in continuing years to maintain SUNY as one of the premier institutions of public higher education in the country.

150-01-1 passed without dissent

Resolution on the Effect of New York State�s Budget on SUNY

October 18, 2008

Resolution on the support for the mission and leadership of the Office for Diversity and Educational Equity



Whereas, New York State's public higher education system is among the world's largest, educating more than 400,000 degree candidates on 64 campuses in the State University of New York, and


Whereas, New York's colleges and universities must meet the challenges posed by rapidly changing demographic, scientific, technological and economic trends in order to prepare students to be successful in commerce, science, education, government, social sciences, humanities and the arts, and


Whereas, a well educated workforce is a necessity for the success of our state, and


Whereas, the young adults aged 18 to 29 are already the most ethnically and racially diverse segment of the current population, and


Whereas, by 2028, Hispanic, Black and Asian people will be in the majority within that age range, and

Whereas, the State University of New York has an obligation to educate the entirety of the populace of
New York state, and

Whereas, a diverse classroom leads to an enhanced learning experience for all students, and

Whereas, the Office of Diversity and Educational Equity (ODEE) led by Dr. Pedro Caban was created with the intention of meeting the needs of our state and our University system, and

Whereas, ODEE has been thus far not been adequately funded to accomplish its mission, and


Whereas, given the current budget crisis, there is a real and present danger of further reductions in funding,

Therefore, be it resolved, that the University Faculty Senate states our unequivocal support for the mission and leadership of the Office for Diversity and Educational Equity, and urgently requests that the Chancellor provide a budget that is appropriate for the importance of its mission.


150-06-1 passed without dissent

Resolution on the support for the mission and leadership of the Office for Diversity and Educational Equity

October 18, 2008

Joint Committee on Transfer and Articulation Resolution (7-30-08)

Whereas the SUNY Joint Committee on Transfer and Articulation agrees with the Commission on Higher Education�s recommendation that articulation and transfer policies be strengthened and enforced throughout the system to eliminate all unnecessary impediments;

Whereas the SUNY Joint Committee on Transfer and Articulation was charged to �explore ways of facilitating the transfer of students from one institution to another within the SUNY system and the articulation of programs that will facilitate the transfer process;�

Whereas the SUNY Board of Trustees has asked the Joint Committee to provide recommendations �� for strengthening transfer and articulation throughout the system; and

Whereas current Board policy includes the following statements:

����������� 1.�������� New York State residents who are graduates of a State University two-year college, including the community colleges operating within the program of the University, and who possess an A.A. or A.S. degree, shall be guaranteed an opportunity to continue their education on a full-time basis at a baccalaureate campus of the University; and

����������� 2.�������� Graduates of two-year colleges within SUNY with an A.A. or A.S. degree, when accepted in parallel programs at baccalaureate campuses of the University, shall be accorded full junior status and be given the opportunity to complete the requirements for a bachelor�s degree within four additional semesters of full-time work; and

����������� 3.�������� Graduates of two-year colleges within SUNY, when accepted with junior status within parallel programs at baccalaureate campuses of the University, shall be granted full credit for general education courses taken and not be required to repeat successfully ������ completed courses with similar curricular content; and

����������� 4.�������� Only those admissions requirements to institutions or to particular programs applicable to continuing and returning students shall be applied to SUNY A.A. and �������� A.S. transfer students; and

����������� 5.�������� These transfer students shall be accorded, as far as possible, opportunities in areas such as housing, advisement and registration comparable to those of returning and continuing students; and

����������� 6.�������� Baccalaureate campuses of SUNY in their enrollment planning shall give priority to A.A. and A.S. graduates of State University and City University ��� of New York over other transfers; and

����������� 7.�������� Academic decisions on admissions for such transfer students shall be based solely on their previous collegiate record; and

����������� 8.�������� Baccalaureate campuses in making these admissions� decisions shall pay particular attention to applications from A.A. and A.S. transfer students from their region who ����� cannot relocate to another part of the State; now, therefore be it

Resolved that the Joint Committee on Transfer and Articulation recommends that the current SUNY Board of Trustees policy regarding system-wide transfer and articulation be enforced, beginning Fall 2008; and, be it further

Resolved that

1.�������� current Board policy be strengthened to include students who successfully complete first- and second-year courses generally offered at four-year institutions in a program or major at one SUNY institution be able to seamlessly transfer those courses into a parallel major or program at another SUNY institution; and

2.�������� an accessible website be developed in full consultation with the Joint ��� Committee on Transfer and Articulation that lists all courses at all campuses with their transfer equivalents throughout the system.The website should include but not be limited to the following:

����������������������������������� a.�������� Course-to-course equivalencies using existing information

����������������������������������� b.�������� Instructions for transferring

����������������������������������� c.������ Links to lists of formally approved articulation agreements

����������������������������������� d.�������� Links to lists of campus transfer officers

����������������������������������� e.������ Background and Policy Guidelines, such as SUNY Board of Trustees Resolutions on Transfer; and

3.������ a standing committee be formed, known as the Transfer Review Committee, which will resolve the transfer status of first- and second-year courses generally offered at four-year institutions and make final recommendations, in consultation with disciplinary groups, to the Provost on the system-wide transferability of a course.Additionally,

a.�������� The Transfer Review Committee should consist of four faculty selected by the UFS and four faculty selected by the FCCC.There ���� should also be one ex-officio (non-voting) member appointed by the Provost�s office, and one ex-officio (non-voting) student member to ����������������������� be selected by the Student Assembly; and

����������������������������������� b.�������� The Joint Committee on Transfer and Articulation should provide the charge for the Transfer Review Committee; and

����������������������������������� c.�������� The Transfer Review Committee should develop guidelines and appropriate forms to standardize a course transfer approval process throughout the system when the transfer status of a course is unclear or contested; and

d.�������� The Transfer Review Committee should use course titles, course descriptions, prerequisites, and, if necessary, sample course syllabi when determining the transfer status of a course; and, be it further

Resolved that the Joint Committee recommends that SUNY System Administration begin facilitating workshops, roundtable discussions, and conferences throughout the state so that faculty from all sectors of the University can have regular conversations with each other about their courses and programs so they may work together to continually improve and align courses and programs throughout the system and serve as a resource to the Joint Committee on Transfer and Articulation and the Transfer Review Committee; and be it further

Resolved that there should be at least two liaisons from the Joint Committee on Transfer

and Articulation (one from the four-year schools and one from the two-year schools) on all committees working to facilitate system-wide transfer.

150-03-1 Passed

Joint Committee on Transfer and Articulation Resolution (7-30-08)

Endorsed by University Faculty Senate

October 18, 2008

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������� APPENDIX 2

���������������������������� ���������������������������� SUNY Cortland 2008-2010 College Handbook

������������������������������������������������������������������ ���� Submitted by J. Governali


Section A.

  1. In an attempt to be consistent with the Agreement between the State of New York and the Bargaining Agent and the Policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York, the faculty of SUNY Cortland shall be defined as the chancellor, the president of the College, those administrative officers designated as management by the Public Employee Relations Board, persons having academic rank and term or continuing appointment, professional staff having term or permanent appointment, and persons with qualified academic rank.
  2. Those with qualified academic rank and academic and professional members of the college staff not included in the above categories shall constitute the part-time faculty and are excluded from the College Faculty for purposes of faculty governance except as provided in Article VI, Section A, Paragraph 10 and Article VI, Section B, Paragraph 5g. ["Qualified academic rank" is defined by the Policies of the Board of Trustees (Article II, (k)), as "Rank held by those members of the academic staff having titles of lecturer, or titles of academic rank preceded by the designations 'clinical' or 'visiting' or other similar designations."]

Section B.

The voting faculty of the College shall be defined as the individuals listed in paragraph 1 above, excluding those with qualified academic rank.

For purposes of voting within areas, each staff member shall be identified with the area in which the individual's primary assignment of responsibility lies. Each member of the voting faculty shall have one vote.


Section A.

The Faculty Senate of the SUNY Cortland faculty shall be composed of:

10. The elected representative of the classified staff, elected under procedures determined by members of the classified staff.

Section B. Duties and Powers of the Senate

5.      To assume responsibility for:

g. The approval and periodic review of the organizational structure and operating procedures of the graduate faculty.

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����������������������������������������������������������������������� Faculty Affairs Committee Proposal Amendment

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �� Submitted by H. Botwinick

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� October 14, 2008


Amendment to motion recommending changes to Faculty Affairs Committee

Original Motion from September 30, 2007:

I recommend that the Senate adopt all changes to the Faculty Affairs Committee which are recommended in Part Two of the Review of Governance Report.(See pages three and four of the detailed grid for Senate Standing Committees).

Proposed amendment to motion:

I recommend that the Senate adopt all changes to the Faculty Affairs Committee which are recommended in Part Two of the Review of Governance Report except for the stipulation that the chair of the FAC shall become a voting member of the Senate..(See pages three and four of the detailed grid for Senate Standing Committees).

On page three of the Review of Governance report, the third explanatory bullet under �Re Chair� should therefore be removed.

