���������������������� ���� ������������������ FACULTY SENATE MINUTES #14

����������������������������������� ��������� ������������� �����May 5, 2009 


The fourteenth meeting of the Faculty Senate 2008�2009 was called to order by

Chair William Buxton on Tuesday, May 5, 2009 at 1:15 PM in the Park Center

Hall of Fame Room.



J. Duncan, J. Shedd, I. Jubran, D. West, D. Miller, T. Phillips, J. Reese,

J. Walkuski, J. Governali, J. Hendrick, O. White, A. Dahlman, T. Vigars,

E. McCabe, S. Snell, M. Rainsford, A. Rossi, E. Bitterbaum, M. Prus,

G. Sharer, R. Collings, C. Cirmo, S. Anderson, T. Phillips



J. Rayle, B. Langhans, D. Harrington, T. Slack, D. Videto, M. Ware,

M. Dywer, R. Franco, W. Shaut, R. Kendrick


GUESTS PRESENT: P. Koryzno, J. Cottone, B. Mattingly


IAPPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes were approved from

April 21, 2009.




����������� There was a vote to approve the nominations for vacancies from the

Committee on Committees (Approved) {SEE Appendix 1}


There was a vote to approve the amendment to the External Review

Proposal regarding handbook changes, Chapter 230.05, item 1: �Professor

or Librarian��; Associate Professor or Associate Librarian; full Professor

or full Librarian; Associate Professor or Associate Librarian,

Chairs of the Departments, the Director of the Libraries;

2.a: associate professor or associate librarian; to professor

or librarian {SEE Appendix 2) (Passed)


There was a vote to approve the amendment to the External Review

Proposal regarding handbook changes, Chapter 230.05, item 2b:

�The candidate will have the responsibility for selecting the reviewers

and soliciting and receiving the external letter(s) of review,��



There was a vote to approve the External Review Proposal,

as amended (Passed)



����������� Chair Buxton reported that he had no formal report. He explained that

at the conclusion of the meeting he would be handing the gavel over to

the capable hands of Vice Chair Lawrence.


IV. VICE CHAIR: K. Lawrence � Vice Chair Lawrence stated that

she was looking forward to being Faculty Senate chair in the Fall.

She also encouraged individuals to become Senate officers,

including those Senators whose terms were up.


V. TREASURER�S REPORT:J. Shedd � No report.


VI.SECRETARY�S REPORT: J. Duncan � No report.



The President gave a brief report and took questions from the floor.




Student Affairs Committee - T. Phillips � T. Phillips announced the recipient

of the Faculty Senate Memorial Scholarship, Katie McIntosh, majoring in

Childhood Education, Social Sciences.


Faculty Affairs CommitteeR. Collings � Chair Collings reported that the

Faculty Affairs Committee has just completed a review of the handbook

on the section related to personnel policy which emanated from a charge

from the Faculty Senate.It has been agreed to hold off on any action

and in the fall The Faculty Affairs Committee will ask the Senate to take

it up at that time.


Long-Range Planning CommitteeC. Cirmo � Cirmo reported that the

LRPC is presently working on the survey of academic units regarding the

strategic goals, mission and core values.That information will be finalized

as a set of white papers to be used at the June Retreat, and then will go to the

Strategic Planning Steering Committee, and presented to the Senate next fall as

completion of the committee�s charge.The committee is about halfway

through their charge and should be done by the end of May.


Educational Policy Committee � R. Kendrick, Chair �Chair Buxton read the

report for R. Kendrick who was unable to attend, as follows:The

recommendation for changes to the curriculum guide and corresponding

changes to the handbook have been delivered to the Faculty Senate Steering

committee for the first meeting in the fall 2009 semester. The EPC is currently

receiving comments for the Capstone course policy statement with the

review period ending May 5.


College Research Committee � P. Ducey, Chair - No report (absent)


General Education Committee � D. Miller, Chair �Chair Miller reported

that the committee has concluded their business for the semester and developed

a plan of actions for the GE committee next year.He stated he was happy

to report that the GE Committee is back on track and has accomplished

everything they needed to. The GE assessment is underway and the

committee should have results of that very shortly.




Committee on Committees -J. Barry, Chair � Bill Buxton read the report for

the Committee on Committees.There was a vote to approve the nominations

for committee vacancies. {SEE Appendix 1}


XI. AREA SENATOR�S REPORTS:A. Dahlman reported that the referendum

to create the Professional Affairs Committee was passed, requiring a 2/3 vote,

and she looked forward to seeing something from the Committee on Committees

so that the committee could start its work.


XII. SUNY SENATOR�S REPORT � M. Ware � No report (absent)


XIII. STUDENT SENATOR�S REPORTS: The Students gave a brief report.At

the request of D. Miller there was a round of applause for the graduating

seniors in the class of 2009.



The Ad Hoc Committee on External Review Proposal was discussed, including

two amendments involving changes to the handbook. There was a vote for

approval of the amendments as well as the External Review Committee Proposal,

which was approved.{See Senate Actions and Appendix 2)



There was no new business.


Respectfully Submitted:


Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary


The following reports are appended to the minutes in the order they are submitted:


(1)   Committee on Committees report, submitted by J. Barry, Chair


(2)   Changes to the handbook, External Review Committee, submitted by E. McCabe


(3)   Changes to the handbook, External Review Committee, submitted by B. Klein,

A.     LaChance


Committee on Committees � Report to the Faculty Senate

May 5, 2009

Item # 1

The ballots were tallied for the referendum on creating a Professional Affairs committee.��� There were 220 valid ballots and 11 invalid ballots.The results were:

����������� 205 in favor

����������� 15 opposed

The two-thirds requirement was met, so the referendum passed.

Item #2

The ballots were tallied for the referendum changing the College Curriculum Review Committee membership.There were 214 valid ballots and 11 invalid ballots.The results were:

����������� 163 in favor

����������� 51 opposed

The two-thirds requirement was met, so the referendum passed.

Item # 3

The following committee appointments are being recommended, and confirmation by the Faculty Senate is required:

Academic Faculty Affairs Committee (2-year term):

    Fine Arts & Humanities - Andrew FitzGibbon

    Social/Behavioral Sciences - Raymond Collings

    Professional Studies - Regina Grantham

    Library - Amanda Hollister

 College Curriculum Review Committee (2-year term):

    Education - Michelle Kelly

    Professional Studies - Jim Hokanson

    Library - Jennifer Kronenbitter

 College Research Committee (3-year term):

    Math/Science - Peter Ducey

    Professional Studies - Bonni Hodges

 Committee on Teaching Awards (3-year term; Jan. 2010 throughDec. 2012):

    Arts & Sciences - Donna West

 Educational Policy Committee (2-year term):

    Arts & Sciences - Robert Darling

    Education (2 seats) - Andrea Lachance, David Smukler

    Professional Studies - Irena Vincent

 Long Range Planning Committee (3-year term):

    Fine Arts & Humanities - David Neal

    Library - Daniel Harms

 Student Affairs Committee (2-year term):

    Education - Ji-Ryun Kim

    Library - Mark Connell

Item # 4

Ballots have been distributed for Faculty Senate officers and elected committee seats.They have a deadline of May 13, 2009, and ballots will be counted at that time.





A fifth section should be added to the College Handbook in Chapter 230: Criteria for Promotion for Academic Faculty that covers the External Review Promotion Process

230.05 External Review Promotion Process

1. Definitions and Statement of General Philosophy

As used herein, External Review will refer to the solicitation of an evaluation of the scholarly, intellectual and creative achievement as outlined in section 230.04 by qualified professionals from outside SUNY Cortland.Unless otherwise indicated, the term Professor or Librarian will refer to the rank beyond Associate Professor or Associate Librarian, that is, the rank of full Professor or full Librarian.

The External Review Promotion Process applies only to those individuals who have begun their tenure-track academic appointment at SUNY Cortland after August 15, 2009 and are applying for promotion from Associate Professor or Associate Librarian to Professor or Librarian.This external review process will be evaluated by the Faculty Senate within six years of its first application.

Individuals in the review process are expected to bear in mind the broad mission of SUNY Cortland, the definition of professional obligation contained in the Policies of the Board of Trustees, the diversity of disciplines and of departmental practices, and the weight significance of past practices when including external review in their review processes. Recommending bodies (i.e., Departmental Personnel Committees, School Personnel Committees), and individuals (i.e., Chairs of Departments, the Director of Libraries, Deans, Provost and President) shall take care that undue weight is not given to letters from external reviewers.They shall not be regarded as determinative, but as providing additional data for the candidate�s promotion application. The goal of the External Review Promotion Process is to provide another perspective on the candidate�s promotion application for the benefit of the candidate, personnel review committees, and recommending individuals at the College.

2. External Review Promotion Process Requirements

Each department is required to develop its own external review policies to include in their personnel policies.The department policies will conform to these parameters:

a) The external review policies are only required for individuals applying for promotion from associate professor or associate librarian to professor or librarian.

b) The candidate will have the responsibility of soliciting and receiving external letter(s) of review, ability to review those letter(s), and responsibility for including them with the promotion application.

c) To provide context for their review, external evaluators shall be provided with a copy of Chapter 230: Criteria for Promotion for Academic Faculty (inclusive of sections 230.01-230.05).

d) No more than three letters shall be required under the provisions of this External Review policy.Departments may stipulate as few as one letter be required in their promotion policies.



Submitted by B. Klein, A. LaChance, from the April 21, 2009

Faculty Senate meeting

A fifth section should be added to the College Handbook in Chapter 230: Criteria for

Promotion for Academic Faculty that covers the External Review Promotion Process

230.05 External Review Promotion Process

1. Definitions and Statement of General Philosophy

As used herein, External Review will refer to the solicitation of an evaluation of the scholarly, intellectual and creative achievement as outlined in section 230.04 by qualified professionals from outside SUNY Cortland.Unless otherwise indicated, the term Professor will refer to the rank beyond Associate Professor, that is, the rank of full Professor.

The External Review Promotion Process applies only to those individuals who have begun their tenure-track academic appointment at SUNY Cortland after August 15, 2009 and are applying for promotion from Associate Professor to Professor.This external review process will be evaluated by the Faculty Senate within six years of its first application.

Individuals in the review process are expected to bear in mind the broad mission of SUNY Cortland, the definition of professional obligation contained in the Policies of the Board of Trustees, the diversity of disciplines and of departmental practices, and the weight significance of past practices when including external review in their review processes. Recommending bodies (i.e., Departmental Personnel Committees, School Personnel Committees), and individuals (i.e., Chairs of Departments, Deans, Provost and President) shall take care that undue weight is not given to letters from external reviewers.They shall not be regarded as determinative, but as providing additional data for the candidate�s promotion application. The goal of the External Review Promotion Process is to provide another perspective on the candidate�s promotion application for the benefit of the candidate, personnel review committees, and recommending individuals at the College.

2. External Review Promotion Process Requirements

Each department is required to develop its own external review policies to include in their personnel policies.The department policies will conform to these parameters:

a) The external review policies are only required for individuals applying for promotion from associate professor to professor.

b) The candidate will have the responsibility of soliciting and receiving external letter(s) of review, ability to review those letter(s), and responsibility for including them with the promotion application.

c) To provide context for their review, external evaluators shall be provided with a copy of Chapter 230: Criteria for Promotion for Academic Faculty (inclusive of sections 230.01-230.05).

d) No more than three letters shall be required under the provisions of this External Review policy.Departments may stipulate as few as one letter be required in their promotion policies.
