����������������������� ���� September 2, 2008                                  ������������������������������������� �����������������������


1. CALL TO ORDER: The first meeting of the Faculty Senate was called to order by

Chair William Buxton at 1:10 PM in Brockway Hall, Jacobus Lounge.


SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT:B. Buxton, K. Lawrence, J. Duncan,

J. Shedd, IJubran, D. West, H. Botwinick, D. Miller, J. Reese, J. Governali, J. Hendrick,

O. White, J. Rayle, A. Dahlman, D. Harrington, T. Vigars, T. Slack, M. Ware, S. Snell

M. Rainsford, M. Dwyer, E. Bitterbaum, M. Prus, R. Franco, G. Shearer, J. Mosher

S. Anderson


SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: N. Helsper, J. Walkuski, B. Langhans,

B. Schecter, W. Shaut, M. Connell


GUESTS: P. Koryzno, N. Aumann



There were no minutes to be approved.



The was a vote to approve the Standing Rules of the Faculty Senate (Passed)


There was a charge from the Faculty Senate Steering Committee for the formation of an

Ad Hoc Committee to review and make recommendations on a new Faculty Senate

meeting time with a deadline of November 11, 2008 (Passed)



Chair Buxton opened his report with a welcome to new and returning Senators and guests.


He also introduced the two student senators in attendance, Melissa Dwyer and Margaret

Rainsford, along with confirmation of Casey Hahl as Student Senator, who was unable

to attend that day's meeting.


Chair Buxton gave a special welcome to the new Provost, Mark Prus.He explained it was

a busy year with NCATE accreditation and budget challenges.He reported that,

hopefully, the challenges can become opportunities. He indicated he looked forward to a

constructive and meaningful relationship between the administration and the Faculty Senate.


Chair Buxton asked for approval of the Standing Rules {See Senate Actions}


The final item of business in the Chair's report consisted of reauthorization and charge to

the Ad Hoc Committee on External Review.He explained that the committee needed to

be recharged using the same charge from last year:The Committee is charged with

developing recommendations for guidelines for departmental procedures for external

review of scholarship for promotion to full professor or full librarian.The membership

is as follows: Larry Ashley (A & S at large); Sarah Beshars (Professional Studies);

Regina Grantham (Professional Studies), Kevin Halpin (Fine Arts/Humanities),

Gretchen Hermann (Library), Beth Klein (Education), Andrea Lachance (Education),

Kathy Lawrence A & S at large), Tom Pasquarello (Social/Behavioral Sciences),

Henry Steck (A & S at large), Vacant (Math/Science.)


Chair Buxton explained the open seat in Math Science will be filled by the same

procedure as used in selecting committee members one year ago, with the

Committee on Committees announcing the vacancy and conducting an election,

to take place no later than September 18,if there is more than one nomination.


The Chair then asked permission of the Senate, which it granted, to authorize

Henry Steck to convene the committee at the earliest possible date, even if

there is not yet a representative from the Math/Science area.He further explained

that former committee chair Tom Pasquarello, who is on sabattical, would continue

to serve on the committee this year, although not as chair.


There will be a deadline for an Interim Report of10/28/08and a Final Report of 11/25/08.



Vice Chair Lawrence discussed the item under New Business regarding the formation of an

Ad Hoc Committee to review and make recommendations on a new Faculty Senate meeting time.


There were several questions regarding how the committee would be constituted, its exact

purpose and other suggestions as to how the committee might best function.

{SEE New Business}



J. Duncan �  No report.



J. Shedd - No report.



The President gave a brief report.


There was a question from the floor regarding attempts at safety regarding dangerous

crosswalk and other areas.The President offered to review past measures and see what

attempts could be made at improving safety in these areas.


There was also a question from D. Miller regarding the new log in procedures being

undertaken at such a busy time causing problems for himself in the classroom and others.


President Bitterbaum explained that P. Warnken had been consulted beforehand and

offered some background explanation regarding the necessity of the change as well as his

understanding regarding any inconvenience.


There was also a question and discussion regarding the initiative to reduce or discourage

excessive refreshments being served at campus functions due to budget restraints.




Long Range Planning Committee � No report.


Educational Policy Committee � R. Kendrick - Chair Buxton reported that R. Kendrick

sent him an e-mail informing him the Educational Policy Committee would be meeting on Thursday.


Student Affairs Committee � M. Connell, Chair � No report (absent)


Faculty Affairs Committee � J. Walskuski - No report (absent)


College Research Committee � No report.


General Education Committee � M. McGuire, Chair � Dave Miller reported in Chair McGuire's

absence that the General Education Committee is attempting to convene and start their business.

M. McGuire was unable to attend the Senate meeting due to a scheduling conflict.


Committee on Committees � B. Buxton gave the report for the Committee on Committees.

Gretchen Douglas was approved as the representative from the Library area on the Educational

Policy Committee.A list of committee vacancies was also read.{SEE APPENDIX 1}



There were no Area Senator reports.


XI. SUNY SENATOR�S REPORT � M. Ware reported on the Fall Planning Session

being held in Syracuse on September 16 - September 18 and 19th.


The SUNY Senator also reported on the upcoming Fall Plenary meeting to being held at

in Pottsdam on October 16 through October 18.


Dr. Ware encouraged anyone with issues or concerns to contact her so that she could

bring them forward.


SUNY Senator Ware ended her report by referencing an e-mail sent out by

A. Henderson-Harr regarding an upcoming Symposium sponsored by the Faculty Senate.



Student Senators Melissa Dwyer and Margaret Rainsford introduced themselves as Student

Senators as well as mentioning Casey Hahl, who was unable to attend, but would be at future




There was no Old Business.



The New Business of formation of an Ad Hoc Committee to review and make recommendations

on a new Senate meeting time was discussed.It was agreed that Vice Chair Lawrence would Chair

the Committee, as charged, with members including David Miller, Joseph Governali, possibly

Donna Margine or a representative from the Registrar's Office, along with a Professional staff member.

Amy Dahlman and Teri Vigars were delegated to recruit an interested party. It was decided that

R. Storch would also be consulted due to her previous expertise. The deadline for the committee

to report back would be November 11, 2008. Provost Prus encouraged the committee to confer

with other SUNY institutions who have already been through the process for feedback.


Respectfully Submitted:


Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary


The following reports are appended to the minutes in the order they are submitted:


(1)Standing Rules, submitted by B. Buxton, Chair


(2)  Committee on Committees Report(s), submitted by J. Barry.


����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 1

����������������������������������������������������������������������� Standing Rules of the Faculty Senate

����������������������������������������������������������������������� Submitted by B. Buxton, Chair






(1)Regular fall meetings of the Faculty Senate shall be held on the alternating

Tuesdays according to the attached schedule, unless insufficient business warrants cancellation as determined by the Steering Committee or otherwise announced in advance by the Chair. Time of the meetings shall be 1:10 - 2:30 p.m.Be on time.


������ (2)Special meetings may be called by the Senate, or in cases of an

emergency nature, by the Chair.Whenever possible, special meetings shall be

1:10 - 2:30 p.m., when the Senate does not meet, provided that classes are in

session.Any member of the faculty may attend these meetings.




���� (1)Committee Reports shall be presented, in writing, to the Faculty Senate during the "reports" portion of each meeting.


���� (2)Committee Reports shall include a rationale supporting the committee's

recommendations, if any.


���� (3)Resolutions and motions contained within or incidental to committee reports shall be presented, for information only, during the "reports" portion of each meeting. ��Limited questioning on the content of committee reports may be permitted by the Chair at the time that the report is presented.




����� (1)The Steering Committee shall determine the order of agenda items to be

considered at each meeting of the Senate which shall be published one week in



����� (2)Except for matters of an emergency nature, which will be decided by a

3/4 vote, the appropriate committee or person shall published the exact wording

of all resolutions, main motions, and committee recommendations to all members

of the Senate two weeks in advance of the meeting at which they will be considered.




����� (1)Debate shall not be in order unless a motion is pending.


����� (2)All remarks shall be addressed to the Chair.


�� ���(3)�� The Chair is empowered to enforce a time limited of three minutes per

������������� speech.


����� (4)The motion "to reconsider and enter on the minutes" shall be out of order.


����� (5)Senators are encouraged to yield the floor to guests in attendance who

������������ wish to speak.


����� (6)Official liaisons shall be allowed to speak when recognized by the Chair.

������������ However, they shall not be allowed to offer motions or vote.


������ (7)A roll call vote may be ordered on any motion by the request of five ������

������������� voting members of the Senate, or by the Chair.


����� (8)Straw votes shall be illegal.





������ (1)Newly elected officers shall assume office immediately following the last ���������������������������������������������������

������������� day of examinations in the spring semester.


������ (2)Newly elected members of committees shall become active immediately

������������� following the last day of examinations in the spring semester.


������� (3)Chairs of standing committees shall retain their chairmanship until the

�������������� chairmanship election at the first committee meeting of the fall

�������������� semester.


����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 2

����������������������������������������������������������� ������� Committee on Committees

�������������������������������������������������������������������� Report to the Faculty Senate

����������������������������������������������������������� ������������� September 2, 2008

����������������������������������������������������������� ������� submitted by J. Barry, Chair


Item # 1


The following committee appointment is being recommended, and confirmation by the Faculty Senate is required:



��� Educational Policy Committee � appointed, 3-year term � Gretchen Douglas


Item # 2


A call for nominations has been issued for the remaining 2008-09 committee vacancies as follows:


School of Arts & Sciences:


Fine Arts & Humanities

��� College Research Committee, appointed, 3-year term (qualifications:should have received grant from external funding or reviewed grants from an outside agency)

��� Student Affairs Committee - appointed, 2-year term



��� College Curriculum Review Committee - appointed, 2-year term

��� Faculty Affairs Committee - appointed, 2-year term

��� General Education Committee - elected, 2-year term

��� Student Affairs Committee - appointed, 2-year term


Social/Behavioral Sciences

��� Committee on Teaching Effectiveness - appointed, 4-year term

��� Long Range Planning Committee - appointed, 3-year term

��� Student Affairs Committee - appointed, complete unexpired term 07-09


School of Education

���  Committee on Teaching Effectiveness - appointed, 4-year term

��� Faculty Affairs Committee - appointed, 2-year term


School of Professional Studies: 

��� Long Range Planning Committee - appointed, 3-year term

��� Student Affairs Committee - appointed, 2-year term


 Professional Staff:

��� Faculty Affairs Committee - appointed, 2-year term


Item #3


The updated list of committee members is attached.


���������������������������� FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEES, 2008-2009

����������������������������������������� http://www.cortland.edu/www.senate/

��������������������������������������������������������������� Updated August 28, 2008


Faculty Senate Officers (Elected:1 yr. Term) 2008-2009

����� Buxton, Bill ����������������������������� Chair

Lawrence, Kathy��������������������� Vice-Chair

��� ������� Duncan, Janet�������������������������� Secretary

�� �������� Shedd, John���������������������������� Treasurer (no more than 2 successive terms)


Faculty Senate Steering Committee 2007-08

����� Buxton, Bill������������������������������ Chair

Lawrence, Kathy��������������������� Vice-Chair

��� ������� Duncan, Janet�������������������������� Secretary

�� �������� Shedd, John���������������������������� Treasurer (no more than 2 successive terms)

����������� Anderson, Steve���������������������� Parliamentarian (appointed)

����������������������������������������������������������� 08-09�� Educational Policy Committee Chair

����������������������������������������������������������� 08-09�� General Education Committee Chair

����������������������������������������������������������� 08-09�� Long Range Planning Committee Chair

����������������������������������������������������������� 08-09 Faculty Affairs Committee Chair

����������������������������������������������������������� 08-09�� Student Affairs Committee Chair


SUNY Senator(Elected: 3 yr. term)

����������� Ware, Mary���������������������������� 2006-09���������� At large


SUNY Senator � Alternate (Elected: 3 yr. term)

����������� Phillips, Tim����������������������������� 2006-09���������� At large


Auxiliary Services Corporation (Elected:3 yr. term) � (C. on C. does NOT run election for MC reps)

Jordak, Ingrid�������������������������� 2006-09���������� Academic/Professional Faculty

����������� Patrick, Ben���������������������������� 2007-10���������� Academic/Professional Faculty

����������� Ritchie, David�������������������������� 2007-10���������� Academic/Professional Faculty

����������� Steck, Henry��������������������������� 2008-11���������� Academic/Professional Faculty

����������� McCarthy, Matthew���������������� 2008-11���������� Academic/Professional Faculty

����������� Barry, Joanne�������������������������� 2008-09���������� m/c

����������� Franco, Raymond�������������������� 2008-09���������� m/c

��������� Shaut, William������������������������� 2008-09���������� m/c


College Curriculum Review Committee (Appointed: 2 yr. term)���

����������� ______________������������������� 2006-08���������� Math/Sci���������

Rayl, Susan����������������������������� 2007-09���������� Professional Studies

����������� Harms, Daniel�������������������������� 2007-09���������� Library

����������� Ouellette, Judith����������������������� 2007-09���������� Soc/Beh Sci

����������� Kelly, Michelle������������������������ 2007-09���������� Education

Benton, Cindy������������������������� 2008-10���������� Education

Costell Corbin, Carol��������������� 2008-10���������� Professional Staff

����������� Lawrence, Kathy��������������������� 2008-10���������� Fine Arts/Humanities

����������� Reese, Jim������������������������������� 2008-10���������� Professional Studies

����������� Barduhn, Marley���������������������� Ex Officio�������� Assoc. Dean designee for Education

����������� O�Callaghan, Jerry������������������� Ex Officio�������� Assoc. Dean designee for Arts & �������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� Sciences

Gravani, Eileen������������������������������������������������ Ex Officio�������� Assoc. Dean designee for Professional Studies

Avery, Gradin�� Ex Officio�������� ����������������������� Assoc. Provost, Enrollment

����������������������������������������������������������������������� Management & Curriculum

����������� ______________������������������� current������������� Student

����������� _______________����������������� current������������� Student



College Research Committee (Appointed: 3 yr. term) [Qualifications: should have received grant from external funding or reviewed grants from an outside agency.]


_____________��������������������� 2005-08���������� Fine Arts/Humanities

����������� Ducey, Peter��������������������������� 2006-09���������� Math/Sci

Hodges, Bonni������������� 2006-09���������� Professional Studies

Kraebel, Kim�������������������������� 2007-10���������� Soc/Beh Sci

����������� Klotz, Laurie��������������������������� 2007-10���������� Professional Staff

Stratton, Susan������������ 2007-10���������� Education

����������� Herrmann, Gretchen���������������� 2008-11���������� Library

����������� Henderson-Harr, Amy������������������������������������� Sponsored Programs [Ex Officio]

����������� Clarke, Glen���������������������������������������������������� Sponsored Programs [Ex Officio]


Committee on Committees (Elected: 2 yr. term)

Conklin, Ron��������������������������� 2007-09���������� Library

Barry, Joanne�������������������������� 2007-09���������� M/C

Gascon, Christopher���������������� 2007-09���������� Fine Arts/Humanities

����������� Frank, Joshua�������������������������� 2007-09���������� Soc/Beh Sci

Gleason, Gayle������������ 2008-10���������� Math/Sci

����������� Coffey, Kate��������������������������� 2008-10���������� Professional Studies

����������� Janes, Jennifer������������������������� 2008-10���������� Professional Staff

Kudela, Emilie������������� 2008-10���������� Education

����������� Kissel, Barbara������������ Ex Officio�������� Faculty Senate designee

����������� ________________��������������� current������������� Student


Committee on Teaching Awards (Appointed: 3 yr. term/ term runs January through December)(minimum 5 yrs. teaching at SUNY Cortland)


Hodges, Bonni������������� 2006-08���������� Professional Studies

Shedd, John���������������������������� 2006-08���������� Arts and Sciences

Knight, Denise������������������������� 2007-09���������� Arts & Sciences�����������

����������� Benton, Cindy������������������������� 2007-09���������� Education

Shedd, John���������������������������� 2009-11���������� Arts & Sciences

Buxton, Bill������������������������������ current������������� Faculty Senate Vice Chair

����������� Levine, Virginia������������ Ex Officio�������� President�s Office��������

����������� ______________������������������� current������������� Student


Committee on Teaching Effectiveness (Appointed: 4 yr. term) (no consecutive terms)


������� ��� __________________����������� 2004-08���������� Education

Conklin, Patricia���������������������� 2005-09���������� Math/Sci

����������� __________________����������� 2005-09���������� Soc/Beh Sci

Stearns, Karen������������������������ 2006-10���������� Fine Arts/Humanities

Trunfio, Tony��������������������������� 2007-11���������� Professional Studies

__________________����������� current������������� Student �����������

����������� __________________����������� current������������� Student

����������� __________________����������� current������������� Student


Educational Policy Committee (Appointed: 2 yr. term)

Kelly, Michelle������������ 2007-09���������� Education

����������� Lachance, Andrea������������������� 2007-09���������� Education

Kendrick, Richard������������������� 2007-09���������� Arts & Sciences

����������� Ford, Janet������������������������������ 2007-09���������� Professional Studies

Spitzer, Bob���������������������������� 2008-10���������� Arts & Sciences

������� ��� Douglas, Gretchen*����������������� 2008-10���������� Library

Anderson, Lynn����������������������� 2008-10���������� Professional Studies

����������� Yacavone, Mark��������������������� 2008-10���������� Professional Staff

����������� Barclay, David������������� 2008-10���������� Academic Faculty at large

Prus, Mark������������������������������ Ex Officio�������� Provost

����������� Margine, Donna����������������������� Ex Officio�������� Registrar

����������� ________________��������������� Ex Officio�������� Graduate Faculty Executive Committee designee

����������� ________________��������������� current������������� Student

����������� ________________��������������� current������������� Student

����������������������� *pending Faculty Senate confirmation


Facilities and Master Plan Oversight Committee (Appointed: 3 yr. term)

����������� Cirmo, Chris���������������������������� 2008-11���������� At Large


Faculty Affairs Committee (appointed: 2 yr. term)

Melita, Lorraine����������������������� 2007-09���������� Library

����������� Walkuski, Jeff�������������������������� 2007-09���������� Professional Studies

����������� Moore, Edward����������������������� 2007-09���������� Fine Arts/Humanities

Collings, Raymond������������������� 2007-09���������� Soc/Beh Sci.

_________����������������������������� 2006-08���������� Professional Staff

���������� __________��������������������������� 2006-08���������� Education

__________��������������������������� 2006-08���������� Math/Sci

����������� __________��������������������������� current������������� Student

����������� __________��������������������������� current������������� Student


Faculty Representative to the Student Senate (Elected: 1 yr. term) (no more than 2 successive terms)

����������� Connell, Mark������������������������� 2008-09���������� At Large

����������� Tobin, Brian���������������������������� 2008-09���������� At Large


General Education Committee (Elected: 2 yr. term)

Conklin, Ron��������������������������� 2007-09���������� Library

Worrell, Mark������������������������� 2007-09���������� Academic At Large

Jones, Valerie�������������������������� 2007-09���������� Professional Staff

Rayle, Joseph�������������������������� 2008-10���������� Education

Hartsock, John������������������������ 2008-10���������� Fine Arts/Humanities

Miller, David��������������������������� 2008-10���������� Soc/Beh Sci

����������� Hendrick, Joy�������������������������� 2008-10���������� Professional Studies ����

West, Donna��������������������������� 2008-10���������� Academic At Large

____________����������������������� 2008-10���������� Math/Sci

����������� _____________��������������������� current������������� Student

����������� Aumann, Nancy����������������������� ex officio��������� Associate Provost for

����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Academic Affairs

����������� _____________��������������������� ex officio��������� Dean of Arts & Sciences

����������� Canfield, Merle������������ ex officio��������� Institutional Research & Assessment


Long Range Planning Committee (Appointed: 3 yr. term)

���������� Ritchie, Dave��������������������������� 2007-09*�������� Library

Sarver, Cynthia������������ 2007-09*�������� Fine Arts/Humanities

����������� Rombach, Kim������������ 2007-10���������� Education

����������� Cirmo, Chris���������������������������� 2007-10���������� Math/Sci

_____________��������������������� 2008-11���������� Professional Studies

_____________��������������������� 2008-11���������� Soc/Beh Sci

����������� Peluso, Josh���������������������������� 2008-11���������� Professional Staff

�������� �� _____________��������������������� current������������� Student

����������� _____________��������������������� current������������� Student


����������� *2-year term to align staggered terms more evenly


Student Affairs Committee (Appointed: 2 yr. term)

Connell, Mark������������������������� 2007-09���������� Library

����������� Summers, Pamela�������������������� 2007-09���������� Education

����������� __________________����������� 2007-09���������� Soc/Beh Sci

Zhe-Heimerman, Jeremy���������� 2008-10���������� Professional Staff

��������� _____________��������������������� 2008-10���������� Professional Studies

����������� _____________��������������������� 2008-10���������� Math/Sci

������� ��� _____________��������������������� 2008-10���������� Fine Arts/Humanities

����������� ____________����������������������� current������������� Student

����������� ____________����������������������� current������������� Student

Chair of Committee

