�������������� October 30, 2007


1. CALL TO ORDER:  The fifth meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2007-2008 was called to order at 1:10 PM on October 30, 2007 in Brockway Hall, Jacobus Lounge by Chair Karla Alwes.


SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT: K. Alwes, B. Buxton, E. McCabe, I. Jubran, K. Lawrence, N. Helsper, H. Botwinick, J. Shedd, D. Miller, D. West, J. Reese, J. Walkuski, J. Governali, J. Hendrick, J. Duncan, J. Rayle, B. Langhans, D. Harrington, T. Vigers, D. Ritchie, T. Slack, D. Videto, M. Ware, S. Snell, E. Bitterbaum, E. Davis-Russell, R. Peagler, D. West, G. Clarke, M. McGuire, S. Anderson, M. Connell


SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Berger, O. White, B. Schecter, A. Marsh, C. Hahl, J. Riddoch, R. Franco, W. Shaut, J. Ford


GUESTS PRESENT: R. Borden, P. Koryzno, Y. Murnane



The Minutes from October 16, 2007 were approved.



There was a vote to postpone discussion and vote regarding the choice between an ad hoc committee and the Faculty Affairs Committee as the venue for consideration of external review until the next meeting. (Approved)



Chairwoman Alwes opened the meeting with an announcement regarding the Robert's Rules Refresher course being held later that day in 107 Miller from 4:15-5:15.She then reported on the meeting which was held that morning with Assistant Vice Provost Bernstein consisting of a discussion about President Bitterbaum and his performance at SUNY Cortland. Alwes reminded the Senate about the afternoon session which was open for the faculty at 2:15 in Corey Union Exhibition Lounge.The next item of business was an announcement that it was equity week and a reminder that on Thursday, November 1 there would be a panel discussion and speakers to discuss contingent faculty and equity, mentioning the red tokens left at the Senator's places as a reminder.The last item of business consisted of an introduction of the newly elected members, Janet Duncan, Joseph Rayle and Orville White, Education Senators; and Donna Videto, Graduate Senator.Alwes also thanked T. Slack for the food and beverages which ASC had provided, many from the local area, in support of sustainability.



B. Buxton � No report.



E. McCabe - no report  



D. Berger � no report (absent)



The President gave a brief report.


D. Ritchie asked what the current process was for determining policy on campus and President Bitterbaum responded that presently students have the right to have their cell phones on.


J. Governali asked if there was any consideration for including a faculty member on the Threat Assessment Committee.President Bitterbaum responded that the committee consisted of individuals such as psychologists and those with expertise in the area, along with the three Associate Deans who were formerly faculty members.


R. Peagler reported that the areas of committee membership included Judifical Affairs, the Counseling Center, Residential Services along with the three Associate Deans and himself. He added that the three Associate Deans were involved because they had contact with the faculty on a consistent basis.


H. Botwinick asked a question for clarification of cell phone policy in the classrooms at SUNY Cortland. President Bitterbaum responded that until a cell phone policy becomes recommended practice, it is inadvisable for faculty to require that cell phones to be turned off completely in the classroom, for liability purposes, and suggested other measures that could be taken in the meantime.




Long Range Planning Committee Janet Ford, Co-chair, no report (absent.)


Educational Policy Committee Richard Kendrick, Chair � Donna West reported that her committee met last Friday and has been considering a charge from the three Associate Deans to change the incomplete policy. She explained that this would require that 75% of coursework be completed before an incomplete could be approved. She said that they have sent the issue back to the Associate Deans to review but announced that this issue would be coming back for consideration at a future time.


Student Affairs Committee � M. Connell, Chair � No report.


Faculty Affairs Committee � G. Clarke, Chair -Clarke reported that his committee is in the process of reviewing the policies and procedures for the Philosophy Department.


College Research Committee � No report.


General Education Committee � M. McGuire, Chair -McGuire reported her committee met briefly on Monday and they have posted forms and a report up on the General Education Web Page.




Committee on Committees -E. McCabe, Faculty Senate Secretary, read the report for the Committee on Committees {SEE Appendix 1}


Review of Governance � H. Botwinick, Chair, made an announcement regarding the successful turnout from professionals at the recent Forum on Faculty Governance, with 18 in attendance.He also announced the excellent response to the online survey on faculty governance, with 300 individuals from all constituencies on campus participating, which he reported would be very helpful to his committee.



T. Slack gave a Powerpoint presentation regarding Global Warming and the President's Climate Committee. Chairwoman Alwes thanked the Management Confidential Senator for the wonderful buffet including items from the local area to support the initiative towards self-sustainment and encoured everyone to attend the Sandwich Seminar the following day at 12:30 in Jacobus Lounge.


XII. SUNY SENATOR�S REPORT � M. Ware � The SUNY Senator gave a report on the Fall Plenary of the University Faculty Senate held on the SUNY Cortland campus over the weekend from October 25-27, which was very well recieved.{SEE Appendix 2)Ware also announced that she had a pamphlet on internships which might be beneficial and if anyone was interested to please contact her.



No report (absent)


XIV. OLD BUSINESSAlwes introduced the old business regarding the venue for external review asking for informal consideration. When the meeting was resumed there was an affirmative vote to postpone discussion and vote until the next meeting.


Due to the lack of time, the resolution from the Concerned Teaching Faculty, endorsed by the Steering Committee regarding the hiring of tenured track faculty, was never dealt with and will be on the agenda under Old Business at the next meeting.




Respectfully Submitted:


Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary


The following reports are appended to the minutes in the order they are submitted:


(1) Report from the Committee on Committees, submitted by J. Barry, Chair.


(2)SUNY Senator's report on the Fall Plenary of the University Faculty Senate held at SUNY Cortland from October 25-27, submitted by M. Ware.


(3) Amendment to the motion regarding external review, submitted by H. Botwinick.


(4) Amendment to the motion regarding external review, submitted by J. Walkuski.


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 1


Committee on Committees � Report to the Faculty Senate

October 30, 2007

submitted by J. Barry, Chair


Item # 1


Ballots have been distributed for the consultative search committee for Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs.Ballots are due back on November 6, 2007.


The final slate is listed on the attachment.


Item # 2


Attached is the updated list of committees for 2007-08.��  


Consultative Search Committee � Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Slate of Nominations � October 2007


Arts & Sciences


Girish Bhat

Chris Cirmo

Louis Gatto

Kevin Halpin���������������������������

John Hartsock

Rena Janke

Nancy Meagher

Syed Pasha

Tim Phillips

Brian Rivest

Karen Stearns

Henry Steck

Donna West




Cynthia Benton

Ed Caffarella

Sheila Cohen


Professional Studies


Philip Buckenmeyer

Regina Grantham

Bonni Hodges

Tom Quinn




Ellen McCabe

Dave Ritchie


Professional Staff


Gary Babjack��

Laura Gathagan

Howard Lindh�������������������������

Virginia Marty

Hailey Ruoff���������������������������

John Suarez

Mike Urtz�������������������������������

Mark Yacavone




Nancy Aumann

Ray Franco

Gerald Porter


Student RepresentativeJason Clark


��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 2


���������������������������������������������������������� Senate Plenary � Cortland NY � Oct. 25-27, 2007


���������������������������������������������������������������������� �� SUNY Senator's Report

���������������������������������������������������������������������� ������ submitted by M. Ware


The Fall Plenary of the University Faculty Senate was called to order at 8:50 on Friday, Oct. 26.The President gave a welcome; Assembyperson Barbara Lifton spoke (about the global and national challenges we face in these days and the role of the professoriate in dealing with those problems.)As faculty Senator I gave a welcome also.It should be noted that I acknowledged the late Bill Griffen as someone who exemplified the spirit Ms. Lifton was speaking of � someone who dealt with issues like the environment and global warming as well as issues in his discipline.


Dr. Muriel Howard of Buffalo State gave a presentation on the Voluntary System of Accountability for Public Higher Education.This is a system whereby colleges and universities organize their data in a standardized way so that parents, prospective students, etc. can gain information.There were some questions after her talk about the Spellings commission report (which criticized higher education for its lack of accountability).Dr. Howard made it clear that Buffalo State and others who are using this system are doing so by choice.


Dr. Patricia Francis of System Administration spoke on recent assessment efforts in SUNY.She was the only ranking System Administration official present, since the Board of Trustees called a meeting which conflicted with our plenary and the Chancellor and Provost of SUNY were required to attend the trustees� meeting.


Carey Hatch from System Administration (library) and David Ritchie gave a presentation about the digital library proposal � about which a resolution would be presented on Saturday.


After these sessions, the group adjourned for lunch � I must note that the visitors very much appreciated our arrangements and the food service provided by ASC.�� After lunch there was a brief report by a representative of the SUNY Student assembly.He reported that there is a new website www.studentassembly.organd the organization is making it a priority to communicate its goals.


Richard Kendrick, some of our service-learning students, James Heffernan, from ESF, who representedthe NYS campus compact,and our president participated in a panel on service-learning, which is a major interest of our Senate this year.I was appreciative that we at SUNY Cortland came across so well at this plenary by having experts on such a panel. The president talked about our volunteers and used quotes from the students themselves to illustrate the learning that has occurred.


Richard Kendrick introduced 4 of his students � and thanked the president and provost for their support.Dr. Kendrick showed how our civic engagement activities are organized and what kind of activities are going on. Students from sociology, biology, education andpublic relations�� were on the panel and they represented us well.


After a group picture, a representative, Pedro Caban,from System Administration spoke on diversity and equity. He holds a new position as Vice Provost for Diversity and Educational Equity.The �sharing of concerns� session (in which sector representatives meet together) was held in the late afternoon, with a reporting back of concerns.


After a brief break, there was a reception and dinner in Jacobus Lounge.

Bill Scheuerman, UUP president received the Friend of the Senate award at this dinner. The college was formally thanked for its hospitality. As senator, I need to acknowledge Darci Bacqualupe and Virginia Levine for all their work on this Plenary.


Saturday morning we convened at 8:30 to hear the representative of the Faculty Council of Community Colleges and the reports of our standing committees.Several resolutions were presented and accepted.One raised issues of �consultation� and governance in the issue of the �Voluntary System of Accountability�.Members from some campuses which were listed as having voluntarily accepted the project reported that faculty governance was not consulted.The resolution asked that there be widespread consultation before more SUNY institutions �signed on� to this initiative.The resolution supporting the digital library system was also approved.


There was a brief business meeting in which some general issues of governance were discussed and the Plenary adjourned at 11AM.


Respectfully submitted,


Mary C. Ware, Faculty Senator



��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 3


Amendment to original motion by the Senate Steering Committee regarding creation of Ad Hoc Committee on External Review.To be proposed by H. Botwinick

Please Note:Revisions to original motion are in bold.



�Because the temper of the faculty on the SUNY Cortland campus is one that desires and strives for individual and departmental autonomy, the Faculty Senate Steering Committee moves that the deliberations of the proposed external review process begin in an ad hoc committee created for and charged with that purpose only, and made up of a broad representation of faculty elected by each of the three schools and each of the subdivisions of the Arts and Sciences.


According to the Director of Human Resources, Joanne Barry, the latest Full-Time, Tenure-Track Faculty numbers are the following:


School����������������������� Number���� ���������������� Percentage of FT Academics


A & S������������������������ 154���������������������������������������� 60.2%

Prof. Studies������������� 55���������������������������������������� 21.5%

Education������������������ 36���������������������������������������� 14.1%

Library������������������������ 11������������������������������������������� 4.3%��������������������� ������������������������

Total��������������������������� 256�������������� ������������ �����������100.1%�� (due to rounding error)



In order to approximately reflect the above numbers of total faculty members in each division, the make up of the ad hoc committee should be the following:


A& S��� ��������� 6 members�� (3 elected at-large by A&S faculty; 1 elected from each

���������������������������������������������� A& S sub-division)


Studies���������� 2 members elected at-large by faculty in Professional Studies


Education������ 2 members elected at-large by faculty in Education


Library���������� 1 member elected at-large by faculty in Library

����������� ������ ���������������������������������������������������������������

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 4


���������������������������������������������� Amendment to (and including) the original motion on external review

���������������������������������������������������������������������� Submitted by Jeff Walkuski

Original Motion

Because the temper of the faculty on the SUNY Cortland campus is one that desires and strives for individual and departmental autonomy, the Faculty Senate Steering Committee moves that the deliberations of the proposed external review process begin an ad hoc committee created for and charged with that purpose only, and made up of a broad representation of faculty elected by the faculty at large.

Amended Motion

(Deleted text from the original motion is struck through; additions to the motion are italicized)

Because the temper of the faculty on the SUNY Cortland campus is one that desires and strives for individual and departmental autonomy, the Faculty Senate Steering Committee moves that the deliberations of the proposed external review process begin an ad hoc committee created for and charged with that purpose only, and made up of a an broad equitable representation of tenured faculty elected by the their faculty at large.

Amendment to the Motion

The committee will be comprised of tenured faculty as follows:

Two members from the School of Arts and Sciences

Two members from the School of Education

Two members from the School of Professional Studies

Two members from the Library.


Submitted By:

Senator JeffWalkuski

School of Professional Studies



