February 13, 2007


1. CALL TO ORDER:  The ninth meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2006-2007 was called to

order at 1:15 PM on February 13, 2007 in the Hall of Fame Room, Park Center by Chair

Melvyn King.


SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT:M. King, K. Alwes, D. Berger, I. Jubran,

P. Quaglio, R. Spitzer, J. Rayle, E. Jampole, J. Mosher, V. Marty, B. Tobin, J. Walkuski, M. Ware,

B. Schecter, P. Schroeder, K. Boyes, S. Brown, C. Schacht, J. Governali, J. Sitterly, D. Ritchie,

T. Slack


SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: E. McCabe, K. Lawrence, D. Miller, D. West,

G. Zarate, L. Anderson, J. Casciani, J. Hendrick, D. Sidebottom


GUESTS PRESENT:J. Wilson, G. Levine, R. Olsson, M. Prus, E. Caffarella, Y. Murnane



The Minutes from January 30, 2007 were approved.



There was a vote to approve the nominations from the Committee on Committee's (Approved) {SEE Appendix 1)



M. King reported that pursuant to the regulations in the handbook a general faculty meeting

would be held on Wednesday, February 21 at 3:00 in the Brown Auditorium. King said he would

be sending an e-mail message to the faculty at large. Topics of discussion will be the impending

requirement regarding external review for promotion to the rank of full professor.



K. Alwes - No report.



E. McCabe �  No report.



D. Berger reported the Senate account had $923.00 in it.



G. Levine gave a brief report in the absence of President Bitterbaum and Provost

Davis-Russell who were attending a conference in Washington, DC.




Long Range Planning Committee D. Ritchie - D. Ritchie reported on behalf of the Chair of the LRPC that the committee met in January to discuss the role of the long range planning committee in regards to long range planning, how the committee's role has changed into strategic planning and what the process should be. Ritchie further explained that the long range planning committee is charged with reviewing the process by which long range planning events are communicated and come into existence. He said the committee is in the process of reviewing that procedure in terms of the new strategic plan initiative the President has started.


Educational Policy Committee � J. Cottone - No report.


Student Affairs Committee � M. Connell, Chair � No report (absent)


Faculty Affairs Committee � G. Clarke, Chair � No report (absent)


College Research Committee � M. King reported on behalf ofJ. Ouellette,

Chair, that the College Research Committee is currently considering Faculty Research Program Awards (due 2/12/07) and will be considering nominations for the Outstanding Achievement in Research Award which are due to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs by 2/15/07.Decisions regarding Summer Research Fellowships were made during Fall 2006.Individualswith questions may contact ORSP directly or feel free to contact the Chair of CRC.


General Education Committee � M. McGuire, Chair - No report (absent).


Committee on Committees There was a vote to approve the nominations from the Committee on Committee's {SEE Appendix 1). Chairman King encouraged everyone to participate in filling open vacancies in Senate committees.



There were no Area Senator's Reports.



M. Ware, SUNY Senator, gave a brief report {SEE Appendix 2)



K. Boyes gave a brief report.



There was no old business.



There was no new business.


Respectfully Submitted:

Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary

The following reports are appended to the minutes in the order they are submitted:

(1) Committee on Committee's report submitted by J. Barry, Chair.

(2) SUNY Senator's Report submitted by M. Ware


����������������������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 1

����������������������� ���� Committee on Committees � Report to the Faculty Senate

����������������������������������� ���������������������� February 13, 2007


Item # 1


The Committee on Committees has issued a call for nominations for remaining committee vacancies.The Committee seeks the Senate�s confirmation of the following recommendations:


1.�������� Educational Policy Committee � Academic Faculty at-large; complete unexpired term ����������(2006-08) � Donna West

2.�������� General Education Committee � Math/Science; complete unexpired term (2006-08) � Jalal Alemzadeh

3.�������� Long Range Planning Committee � School of Education at large; complete unexpired term (2004-07) � Kim Rombach

4.�������� Long Range Planning Committee � Professional Staff at large; complete unexpired term (2005-08) � Peter VanderWoude

5.�������� College Research Committee � Fine Arts/Humanities; one semester sabbatical

��������� replacement (Spring 2007) � Charles Heasley


Item #2


Randi Storch withdrew her nomination for the Committee on Teaching Awards.A new call for nominations has been issued.


Item #3


Carol Van Der Karr has submitted her resignation from the General Education Committee.A new call for nominations has been issued.


����������������������������������������������������������� APPENDIX 2

����������������������� ��� University Faculty Senator�s report to the Faculty Senate

����������������������������������������������������������� Feb 13, 2007


I wanted to let you know that the Chancellor has been working well with the Faculty Senate � in fact, consultation was held with our President, Carl Weizelis, during the budget preparation and submission process.I�ll keep you informed as he informs us of items he feels we need to know about.


Faculty Senate Committees:First � a �heads up��during April nomination forms are

generated for faculty on our campuses to serve on Faculty Senate committees.Committee members transportation is paid, you get to talk to other campus reps, and create resolutions and various work products which advance the SUNY system as a whole.I tried to get nominees last May (after I was elected) but wasn�t successful � so hopefully you will put the idea in your colleagues� heads this year and be ready when I canvass for nominations.Committees include:Undergraduate programs and Policies,Graduate Committee,Operations Committee, Student Life committee, and sometimes ad hoc committees formed to meet a specific need.


The committee I�m on (Undergraduate) has, as its major focus this year, the preparation of a guide for internships system-wide.I have given the draft to John Shirley for his comments.If anyone else would like to read and comment on the draft � I�d be happy to send you a copy.The table of contents (showing its scope) will be attached to my report

For this meeting�� (mention some of the major points).


One thing which this effort brought to our attention is that the formula for �seat time� (or

whatever you wish to call it) is being modified by distance learning, internships, etc.We

are following a very old memorandum of understanding (early 1970�s) to get the �credit hour to contact hour� formula.We even discovered that the memo quotes the �Carnegie unit�..which the Carnegie website totally disavows (says it was never developed for use in colleges!)I believe our committee will work with Provost Palm to come up with some updated formulawhich makes sense in today�s world.




����������������������������������������������� Appendix to SUNY Senator's Report

��������������� SUNY Faculty Senate Guide to Internship Programs

������������������������������������������ TABLE OF CONTENTS


Definition��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2


Introduction����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3


Part I: Internship Planning and Procedures�������������������������������� 4


1.�������� Site Selection��������������������������������������������������������������� 4

2.�������� Student Preparation and Eligibility ������������������������������� 4

3.�������� Learning Agreement����������������������������������������������������� 5

4. ������� Credit�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6


Part II:Internship Implementation�������������������������������������������� 8


5.�������� Supervision ����������������������������������������������������������������� 8

6.�������� Faculty-student contact ����������������������������������������������� 8

7.�������� Reports from the Internship Site����������������������������������� 9

8.�������� Criteria for awarding grades���������������������������������������� 9


Part III:Program Assessment�������������������������������������� 10


Part IV: Advisories������������������������������������������������������������������ 11


9.�������� Student Health Insurance and Financial Aid������������������ 11

10.������ Liability Issues������������������������������������������������� 11

11.������ Student Compensation ������������������������������������ 11

12.������ Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)������������������������������� 11


Part V:Resources for Internships�������������������������������������������� 13


Appendices����� Sample Forms


Appendix A����� Student Guide to Internships


Appendix B����� Internship Learning Agreement


Appendix C����� Sample Learning Outcomes


Appendix D����� Site Supervisor Final Intern Assessment Form


Appendix E����� Student Evaluation of Internship


