February 15, 2006

I. CALL TO ORDER: The 9th meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2005-2006 was called to order at 1:15 PM on February 15, 2006 in the Corey Union Exhibition Lounge by Chair Joseph Rayle.

SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT: J. Rayle, M. King, S. Rayl, D. Driscoll, D. Berger, P. Quaglio, R. Spitzer, D. West, K. Alwes, L. Anderson, J. Governali, J. Hendrick, K. Rombach, S. Stratton, B. Griffen, B. Tobin, J. Sitterly, V. Marty, S. Sidebottom, D. Ritchie, J. Governali,

T. Phillips, P. Schroeder, N. Tirado, J. Clark, S. Brown, E. Bitterbaum, R. Franco, W. Shaut,

B. Kissel, J. Cottone, D. Ritchie, D. Kreh, P. Buckenmeyer

SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: C. DeGouff, J. Casciani, S. VanEtten, E. Davis-Russell, G. Clarke

GUESTS PRESENT: G. Levine J. Mosser, P. Koryzno, R. Olsson, M. Prus, E. Caffarella,

J. Barry


There was a motion to approve the Administrative Consultative Search Committee proposal as amended (Passed)

There was a motion to support the AAUP statement regarding the Academic Bill of Rights (Passed)


Chairman Rayle opened by introducing student senator�s Jason Clarke and Seth Brown. SGA President Mary Kate Boland and Mariah Gerty have classes at this time, he announced, so these two students would be taking their place this semester. He also gave the Treasurer�s report since C. DeGouff could not attend and encouraged everyone to send in their ten dollars to fund the Faculty Senate Scholarship. He also mentioned the handout being distributed advocating for support for SUNY Cortland and SUNY in general for something that is going through the legislature. He encouraged everyone to join their colleagues, D. Miller, K. Smith, B. Buxton, J. Bristol, L. Rosenkranz in advocating 153 million dollars in additional funding requested by the SUNY Chancellor and to protect faculty lines. Rayle said, "We need people to get on the bus and go," and he said that if anybody had questions to contact D. Ritchie.


No report.


No report.


C. DeGouff was unable to attend the Senate meeting but the Chair reported that there is $833.07 in the Senate account.



President Bitterbaum announced that he would keep his report brief so that important business could be discussed. He reported that he had been visiting in Vegas this past week. He stated that he was in Rochester on Friday night speak to 150 alums who had very warm feelings about faculty and staff and he felt that was very important. He said, "We did discover in Los Vegas there are a very significant amount of alums we did not know about and it was very exciting to discover."

The President reported on the state budget and he felt it could be a very optimistic year based on the fact that the Chancellor has submitted a 120.9 million dollar budget for state assistance to cover base level costs. He said, "We�re not saying we�re going to get all of it, but the signs are very positive from the democratic part of the assembly, which Silver and Tom Sherry have publicly said they were pleased. It�s an aggressive budget, and we�ll wait to hear from Senator Bruno. It is very important that we continue to share their thoughts, which is our delegation, and others. I do want to point out about the email that you received from UUP, if you lobby, it is critical that you lobby from your home computer. That was the last sentence in what you received this morning. You�re not allowed while at work, so please read at the bottom. I would recommend that you do read to the bottom. But right now we are very optimistic, we will know more in a month and a half. We do have our legislative delegation coming to the college. Senator Seward will be here this week and next week assembly people Gary Finch and Barbara Lifton to talk about the budget and support to us."

President Bitterbaum further went on to report, "I wanted to mention one other quick thing. The city is going through an interesting process�they�re consolidating the downtown initiative, called downtown partnership. I will be ex officio on that board. C. Little, R. Kendrick and a number of others are working diligently involving civic engagement, copse, business majors internships, whatever the case may be. It�s a great new initiative, a new opportunity, and would encourage�we might have some student teachers, whatever the case may be. Do contact R. Kendrick or Craig Little. The city is expecting this project to help in a number of ways.

The last thing is Recreation and Leisure Studies, under the leadership of Lynn Anderson, did a really interesting survey of the community at SUNY Cortland about lifestyles. Some was positive, some negative. I will have some kind of report to the President�s council and across the campus to disseminate it. It reminds me of John Kennedy. Unfortunately, a lot of our students spend a lot of time sitting in front of a TV. We need to get our students more engaged. Obviously, a student life center would help tremendously but lacking that we are continuing do what we can.

R. Spitzer asked, "Is it true that there will be no freshman college catalog in 2007?"

Bitterbaum replied, "The Provost has had a series of meetings with the cabinet and others and what I will share with you�We really do want to steer our students towards the web site. It will be interesting to hear your thoughts so please communicate them with Elizabeth if you have concerns, as well as department chairs. I see we realize it has value, but I don�t think a final decision is going to be made. I know it�s still at the Cabinet level and hasn�t trickled down to department chairs yet, I don�t think, or to the broad community, so I think there�s opportunity to discuss it."

K. Alwes said, "May I just follow up for a moment on that? If there is a change in the program than how would they (students) come up to the campus without a catalog, would it be over e-mail or online?"

Bitterbaum replied, "It would be online. You could actually have a catalog if you needed to. I don�t think that�s the major component. I think a lot of colleges in America are going to online catalogs."

Alwes said, "So the catalog would be online? You are thinking of having the catalog every year online?"

Bitterbaum replied, "The typical high school student in the past�I remember when I went to high school, typically they gave you a college catalog, it is very expensive and not up to date�I understand the logic, it makes sense, whether we might do what we do with college handbook, have some in departments�."

R. Spitzer said, "Just to be clear, the college catalog is online now?"

Bitterbaum replied, "It is, but the thought is not to have the hard, we have to have two catalogs, graduate catalog�.and undergraduate."

D. Berger said, "That was a concern I was going to raise, by my constituents and myself. I�m glad that you talked about paper version�talk about during advising, depending on what catalog a student came with they may have to follow different rules. The question is, will there be multiple catalogs online?" Berger referred to the practice of using paperclips in pages, and said, "a student came here this year with this catalog and here is a rule you�re under. It follows along with the decision not to publish the newspaper that showed the cost offerings for semester. Was that completely online? These are things that involve faculty in job in terms of advising. We would like to be consulted on those things."

Bitterbaum stated, "I think with chairs, deans and the Provost, feel free to communicate. "

An unknown individual asked, "It�s my understanding the catalog is a legal document for students?"

M. King asked, "If it can be changed on an almost daily basis what�s the status of that?"

Bitterbaum said he was misquoted. "You have to have the copy of that year that is the document, maybe we could say once a year we could do that�we would sort of like to be involved in that. We probably wouldn�t move that quickly."

J.Rayle asked for questions.

An unknown individual asked President Bitterbaum, "You mentioned the SUNY Center. What is the stand of institutionally? I think it�s a great idea."

Bitterbaum replied, "It�s a wonderful idea. I�ll turn it over to Ray in a second. We did have a vote in our student body willing to tax themselves, to let that go forward�it is very complex�I know it won�t pass in the legislature, but there is a mission from the legislature that allows you to tax future generations of students. There is a movement, let me turn it over to Ray, what happened at Stony Brook he�s really our guru."

R. Franco explained, "What happened last year most of you may know, Stony Brook got 19.5 million from the state for a student life center. Unfortunately, for them the figure was lower than they needed but was lower than the figure they talked about with the state senator three years before. They never had the number adjusted over a three year period. Whether or not construction of buildings on college campuses and SUNY campuses is the responsibility of the State of New York. Every other facility on this campus mentioned in West Virginia and California�Historically, student life centers have been the exception to the rule in that state and states have committed students by referendum, to pay for a student rec center. So, we�ve been advocating at the state level for a decision to be made. I would love for there to be a student life center, and the debate is between assembly and senate. The senate is amendable to a student referendum and the Governor is, but the assembly is not�.Where is it going to come down? If I have to guess, it would be some sort of compromise, probably some sort of, I think, hopefully, maybe multiple sources of funding to build these types of facilities in the State of New York or the possibility private funding for students on campuses. We are pushing hard for the state to come up with the money and also pushing hard for the state to see its way clear to allow students to pay for a portion, if not all, of the funding. We feel strongly across the State of New York that probably the single most important change we could make on this campus is to make healthier places for students, faculty and staff is build a comprehensive student life center." Franco said the most likely place would be the Davis Field which is attractive but does not detract from the campus or surrounding community. He finished by saying, "That�s where we�re at at right now. We are probably looking at a 25 million dollar facility for our campus."

D. Ritchie asked about a moratorium in the State of New York which has built buildings which were not funded by the taxpayers of the State of New York?"

R Franco responded, "The short answer is yes. The same board that has to approve bonding for dormitories would have to approve bonding for a student life center. That board has representation from the Senate and assembly. Assembly members would not bond for a student life center and a unanimous vote to have a bond would be required to have it approved."

K. Alwes asked, "Ray, is this building taking the place of, or have nothing to do with, the proposal for a student life center inside Corey Union. Do you remember that?"

Franco replied, "There�s another generation of student unions. This will have a climbing wall, have much more combination of traditional union, have physical space, all purpose courts, swimming pool, give people a place to go socialize, a comprehensive facility."

Alwes said, "Is it much greater than the proposal that was tabled?"

Franco said the campus would have a student life center for faculty and staff, a meeting center, and hopefully another classroom building.

L. Anderson asked a question about the proposal.

R. Franco responded, "It is unfortunate to think the way it works�pre-eminent concerns�it�s being in the good graces of leaders of your party, and again, I don�t think the assembly is way off base, you know. I guess for them they could say to me, and I said last year there�s no way the state is going to fund a student life center. Well guess what? Last year they gave Stony Brook almost 20 million dollars last year to fund a student life center. So, it is possible, and we haven�t given up on that. If there�s a philosophical position to take on that, it�s a log jam. I don�t know what�s going to be the log jam breaker. Anyway, it�s a challenge. It is something the students are interested in. 80% of the students would be willing to pay substantial fee to pay for a student rec center. I have asked SGA and others to write to their assemblymen and women and senators. do that and let them know what they�d like to see happen."

Bitterbaum said, "I think it will be interesting a year from now�I think it would give the opportunity to do a much more appealing sort of joint policy on campuses if we might be able to tax the students to build part of it�The state has 2 billion dollars in tax�if New York continues to have very positive years, with new leadership maybe we�ll see what happens."

Franco said, "I am actually optimistic. I think within the next 5 years we will have a student life center."

Alwes said, "I don�t know, that reminds me, do we know anything more about the commons area in library?"

Bitterbaum replied, "It is on track

Alwes asked, "We just don�t know what the track is?"

Bitterbaum responded, "Before the summer. Occupancy of Brockway will be here in March. After commencement we�ll be moving graduate programs to Brockway. The basement won�t be done yet. We are still working with ASC. We hope to use DeGroat this April and have hopes to host some things there with guests. We�re on track."

S. Brown asked, "Do we have any idea when Bowers, in the near future, will start to be done?"

Bitterbaum replied, "We were very fortunate, up to about ten days before the budget was announced, we had the money in there. The Governor has removed all capital for all universities but one. He is not going to change his mind. Now what we have to do is to visit with state senators is to see if we can do it piecemeal. The other thing is, we do have some money in 40 million dollar capital, so we have put on a new roof in both parts of the el. Both parts will cost over a million dollars. We had another million close to it. To do it appropriately it will take ten million. Senator Seward has came through and is very much aware of all things that need to be done."


No report.



Long Range Planning Committee � D. Ritchie reported that the LRPC will have its next meeting on March 1st. At the moment his committee has received the Academic Affairs Strategic Plan and they are attempting to discover how to address it.

Educational Policy Committee � J. Cottone reported that the EPC has been meeting regularly and they received a couple of small proposals that will be put before the Steering Committee. They will be receiving feedback from chairs and others. Cottone continued to report that most notably, yesterday, his committee received the SUNY Task Force proposals for the General Education program. He said that once the GE Committee and EPC get together that information will be forthcoming, hopefully, around spring break.

D. Berger asked, regarding the GE Task Force, if there are supposed to be changes in the GE category and if it is mostly SUNY GE? He said, "I thought in the works there was something involved in making our college GE requirements closer to SUNY?"

J. Cottone replied that the committees have merged two programs with one program

D. Berger asked, "Is that done?"

J. Cottone responded, "Yes. The proposal involving Joe Governali�s task force has been submitted to EPC."

Student Affairs Committee � P. Buckenmeyer reported that there is presently $700 to fund the Faculty Senate Scholarship for next year. He encouraged anyone knowing of a deserving student in a leadership position to put that individual�s name forward as a possible recipient of the award.

Faculty Affairs Committee � No report (absent).

College Research Committee � No report.

General Education Committee � No report.


T. Phillips reported he attended the UFS Senate meeting at SUNY Farmingdale. He gave a brief report on what Carl Weisalis, President of University Faculty Senate, talked about in his address. Phillips reported that Weisalis was very happy to see Chancellor Ryan appointed and everyone thinks Ryan is very supportive of faculty. Another topic was the budget and tuition increase being discussed. Phillips indicated the UFS is against any tuition increase. They also discussed the academic bill of rights, various assaults on tenure on certain campuses, the visitation team from the UFS that went to Alfred and has submitted a report to them, academic standards in the community and taking on issues of cheating and plagiarism. Phillips said there is going to be a conference in Albany on March 23 and 24 of this year, presented by UFS and SUNY, on academic integrity involving a new look at law, policy and practice if anyone is interested. The UFS also had a report on sunshine laws which Phillips found interesting, open meetings law, and foil, and he reported if anyone is interested they can access it on the web site can and get it on Power point. He further reported that Patty Francis gave a report on assessment. He stated that the gear web site is on the Cortland web site. He also mentioned that Provost Salins is going to resign and Salins also spoke. There were sector concern meetings and he mentioned, briefly, a couple of issues: 360 degree reviews of faculty members where they talk with everybody directly. He said, "We kind of do it on this campus for professionals. Chancellor Ryan is very supportive of 360 reviews. You kind of get feedback on everybody an individual interacts with during their workday." Morale was discussed, GE debate, rational fiscal policy. UFS came up with, and submitted about a year ago now, not just about tuition, but about fiscal policy, so we avoid harsh increases like the 900 dollar tuition increase, something a little bit more regular that students can plan for. Mission Review II was discussed, EOP funding, the increased amount of duties foisted on faculty members, and the last issue talked about in his sector was MC administrative turnover, called churn." He explained that a lot of campuses have people in administrative places for a year or two and somebody new comes in. Provost Salins also spoke and talked about Mission Review II and the development of Memorandums of Understanding and the process itself. He also mentioned his k-16 kindergarten initiative, trying to match regional schools with SUNY schools of education. Phillips said, "So it must be something going to be coming forward, the budget allocation process, BAP or BAM, depending on how you look at it, the revisions of that and how it�s going to turn out. Chancellor Ryan also spoke to us, he was pretty optimistic also about the budget but he did mention that there are 520 faculty eligible for retirement. He (Ryan) said we could have anytime a big hit in terms of retirement so he wants to hire 300 new full time faculty. He said it would be �impactful,� so he�s actually very brilliant guy, and that�s all I have."

B. Griffen asked on what level they are working, referring to the academic bill of rights?

Phillips replied, "The UFS has not decided not to address it initially. No one has tried to push it on the SUNY faculty yet."

B. Griffen asked, "Is it your view that we don�t have to be concerned and may be getting ready for some official move?"

Phillips responded, "I think a lot of faculty members are concerned about the academic bill of rights being made policy. I think there is some cause for concern. There is no real need for all this stuff�it�s redundant."

Rayle responded, "We�ve got the resolution coming up endorsing the AAUP statement."


Committee on Committees � A motion was made to approve M. DiCicco as K. Halpin�s sabbatical replacement for the spring on the College Research Committee. D. Kreh read a list of vacancies and asked for nominations from the floor but there were none. J. Governali asked if possibly the Senate could appoint vacancies where seats exist, especially for those vacancies which have existed for a long period of time, so that the committees could do their work effectively. Rayle responded that his desire is to look into this and other possibilities during the spring when the Review of Governance will take place, which is required every seven years. Bitterbaum encouraged a discussion of anything that would encourage service on campus.


The Chair opened the Old Business by disseminating the administrative consultative search committee proposals.

R. Spitzer asked the chair if amendments were in order?

J. Rayle replied that they would be shortly. He said, "I am going to ask for a motion to endorse in a second and then discuss it and that�s when amendments are in order.

R. Spitzer asked, "Is the amendment now in order? I�d like to offer an amendment. You may have seen this before. It�s entitled "Amendment to Proposed Wording Change 420.03. It�s an amendment item number 3 which calls for a statement to be issued. The statement describes number 3 and calls for a wording change, to delete the phrase "regardless of breaks, conferences and other obligations, insert phrase instead expeditiously and not limited to times when classes are in session. I�d be happy to speak to motion."

R. Spitzer said, "It�s a semantic change in a call that goes out. The wording as it existed was a bit brusque, while wanting to keep the spirit of the idea that committees need to move ahead�.to change the sentence to do so in a more positive way."

Rayle asked for questions on the amendment?

K. Alwes said, "I agree with what you�re saying, Bob, but I�m not sure yours says the same thing, because the other one is talking really about when classes are in session, it seems to be, the original, and yours is saying not when different times when classes are in session. I don�t think it says the same thing but I agree the wording on the original is unusually harsh."

R. Spitzer said, "The existing wording says regardless of breaks"

K. Alwes said, "But conferences or other obligations would be when classes are in session, I presume. I don�t know. I am just saying I don�t know if it says the same thing and I don�t know what the maker was saying when this proposal was created."

J. Barry replied, "I think that came up at the Steering Committee when the timeline was addressed and I think the wording was talked about at the Steering Committee meeting. I�m not opposed to making anything softer�.but we do need to see repetition not only for academic faculty but professional staff who are here when classes are not in session. We want them to understand if they take vacation or go away for conferences the search must proceed." Barry was supportive of using softer language.

S. Stratton commented, "It did make me think at first, it is softer, the impression was harsh but maybe this was written before online e-mail, you know, talking with committee members. The revision sounds good and it would include a timeline but you don�t have to be physically at a meeting during fall break�it looked to me like staying with this timeline more�"

D. Berger said, "I would like to speak in favor of the change. For those of us who know the history of the college there is some motivation like times in the summer when the search occurred quickly, a vacancy took place and many faculty off campus may want to participate, so it seems to me it�s important for people to be involved, like the summer, important for people to realize that."

J. Rayle explained that a vote was in order on the amendment.

D. Ritchie said, "I�d like to offer as library Faculty Senator to insert under section 8, essentially pull out Associate Provost from the group that was under the current section 8 where it covered all Associate Provost and Associate Deans, Associate and Assistant Vice Presidents and so forth and if it�s seconded I would like to speak to it."

J. Rayle called for a second on the amendment?

D. Ritchie said, "Basically the Associate Provost for Information Resources, Paula Warnken is right now the dean for the academic faculty for the library and essentially the makeup of the various consultative committees has allowed or preserved the right of the constituents for dean positions on both in past structures and in this current structure to be made up of mostly people who are directly part of their constituency. So this proposal would allow for designating a specific position for librarians, as among the academic faculty and the specific positions for professionals many who are supervised�there are several professional departments under the associate provost, so that�s the justification. In the past this justification was the reason that the director of libraries has been pulled out separately from the other directors. The director of libraries used to be essentially in a dean's position directly under the Provost and is now no longer under Provost. The Associate Provost for Information Resources has been inserted between the Provost and Director of the Library, so this would maintain that the dean position and the representation for Director of the Library."

J. Rayle asked for questions.

T. Phillips said, "Just a point of information. So this other sheet has structure of this whole committee, the "h" has associate, assistant vice president, associate provost, deans, director, assistant dean, this page says associate provost�."

D. Ritchie replied, "And it says to renumber or re-letter the following sections so the current "h" would be "I" and the current "I" would become "J."

J. Governali said, "Are you saying that the Provost is really the Dean?"

D. Ritchie responded, "Basically that position of the dean in the library for academic library staff."

J. Governali asked, "I assume there should be good input from the professionals across the campus?"

D. Ritchie replied, "Well I think I have taken care of that�there are at large faculty reps on there, only four of the seven reps on the proposal are current constituencies whereas with deans 7 of these are constituencies."

J. Governali said, "I�m not sure of the distribution of responsibility for that position, the majority of the library?"

J. Barry responded, "Academic computing, administrative computing and classroom media services and the library report for that position and, one comment, this is the library�s definitive representation and does not give professionals from any three areas definitive representation."

K. Alwes asked, "As it stands can this be amended?"

J. Governali asked, "Joanne is the professional seat representation�what distribution in the way it�s set up now as opposed to the same kind of representation that we have had?"

J. Barry replied, "The way it�s set up in the original document is the same representation."

B. Spitzer said, "Point of information. For C and D the reference to reporting within the areas, is that deferring to areas referring to Associate Provost or the Library?"

D. Ritchie responded, "Information Resources."

R. Spitzer replied, "That�s understood. Okay."

J. Rayle called for a vote on the proposal as amended.


The next item of Old Business as the Academic Bill of Rights which Rayle pointed out was handed out at the last meeting of the semester. He explained that, essentially, the proposal is indicating the campus does not support the Academic Bill of Rights. He further reported that the if the proposal was approved it would be affirming the AAUP statement on Controversy in the Classroom. He said, "This is the reason we�re doing this. The campus governance leaders at the SUNY wide senate were asked to take this motion back to their original Senate bodies for action." The topic was then put on the floor for discussion.

L. Anderson asked a question about the intent.

J. Rayle responded, "It�s a political move. Essentially, they�re not going to act on it, they just asked us to, and we can. I don�t know if the SUNY wide Senate�s going to act on it ,ever. I don�t know what their particular plans are. Other campuses have done this. They�ve basically said we want to affirm the AAUP position. I think politically there is some move from certain sectors to enforce the academic bill of rights on us so this is if anything a preemptive strike."

R. Spitzer said, "I would like to speak to that which you�re asking, this page of the last statement issued by AAUP Committee. That�s what I�m asking you to endorse. Thank you."

L. Anderson asked if it might not be giving it too much weight by discussing it?

J. Rayle replied that this came at the Steering Committee�s suggestion.

Bitterbaum said, "I think it is an interesting question. I think we have to strike down nonsense, whether it�s intelligent design or Nazimism that has come to power. I think we ought to speak up."

J. Rayle said, "I want to point out, the statewide Senate has asked us to do this. There is a sort of solidarity across campuses, your brother and sisters, academics across the state. It has been endorsed by a number of campuses. It�s just a wide show of support. As Dr. Bitterbaum points out, it�s an affirmative statement. We see it this way not that way�"

D. Berger said, "I am very much in favor of this. Those of you may know more than I know about it, is this Academic Bill of Rights being adopted at other universities?"

J. Rayle stated, "I don�t believe so."

L. Anderson replied, "The University of South Dakota just passed a law�"

J.Rayle said, "The legislature did it, not the universities, in only 23 states."

D. Berger said, "Is that like what Galileo faced?"

J. Rayle replied, "I think it does represent an attempt in an underhanded way to impose an orthodoxy, political or otherwise what the academic bill of rights represents�calling it that�but on the surface it sounds like a good thing. What they�re up to putting some restrictions on us."

R. Spitzer said, "The effort to advance this is primarily in the state legislature, not campuses, the PA State legislature continues to debate in committee this proposal. The fact that Union President Bill Sheureman testified against it at state legislative hearings�"

D. Berger asked, "Is any university subject to this directly?"

Bitterbaum responded, "Lynn may not be entirely correct�There�s a strong feeling, whether true or not�I would have to go back and look at that�I do remember the South Dakota legislature looking at passing a bill to broaden the perspective of diversity in classrooms, not math but sociology, I don�t know if that was passed or not�"

R. Spitzer asked, "Was it a bill of rights or their own version?"

Bitterbaum replied, "I thought it was their own version.

J. Rayle stated, "We have been put in a position, what we don�t want to do is say �No, we don�t want an academic bill of rights. It sounds like we are saying we hate freedom. So, by saying we endorse the AAUP statement, affirming this is what we mean by academic freedom, controversy in the classroom is a good thing." Rayle encouraged the discussion to take place.

D. Berger said, "We have seen some effectiveness on campus already. Not only did we have some liberal speakers come in, but the editor of the weekly Cortland Standard displayed an attempt to show both sides of recent issues."

D. Kreh said, "I believe the last I heard David Horowitz has tried to get this done through the legislature in 23 states, and it has failed in all of them so far. It has been brought up in New York state and been dismissed by the legislature, and obviously the Faculty Senate is asked as University Faculty Senate as well as UUP been asked by the legislature for input on these things. This is the kind of stuff the Senate needs to show, not speaking for themselves, but for the state university so�"

Bitterbaum replied, "�It sounds un-American against to be against the academic bill of rights�.It should be a proviso that explains what academic fill of rights is." He said there is a danger in saying that SUNY Cortland or Albany�s faculty believe in one thing due to public misperception.

K. Alwes said, "I just wanted to say the reason I called it specious is exactly that reason�the title, bill of rights. From what you can see it tends attempt to muzzle. The idea of being an academic bill of rights takes you in a completely different direction from what the article actually does."

J. Rayle added, "It says one thing, means another and tends to impose an orthodoxy on you."

D. Berger spoke in favor of supporting the AAUP position, but in referring to the local newspaper felt there should be an explanation of the last five minutes discussion at the Senate as to what exactly their position is, that it is not academic freedom.

J. Rayle said, "That�s a good point" and asked if the Steering Committee should issue a statement.

D. Berger said, "I think there should be some kind of explanation through the campus publicity office."

J. Rayle said he would hate for it to be misinterpreted and pick up the Cortland paper in day or two and say the Faculty Senate hates freedom. He said as a suggestion from the parliamentarian they could issue a short statement in conjunction with the President.

Bitterbaum replied that he didn�t think the local newspaper had showed interest recently in the Faculty Senate�s affairs.

L. Anderson asked, "Are we voting to endorse the AAUP position?"

Rayle said, "Yes we are."

There was a vote in favor of endorsing the AAUP statement "Controversy in the Classroom" and it passed. .


There was no new business.


There were no Area Senator�s reports.


N. Tirado reported that the Senate supported an increase in the fees for transportation, athletics and health. She said they are also running special elections for Treasurer on February 20th in Corey Union where there will be two candidates.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM


Respectively Submitted,

Barbara Kissel

Staff Assistant/

Recording Secretary

The following reports are appended to the Minutes in the order reported and submitted by Senators and other members.

(1) Advocate for SUNY Cortland, and SUNY submitted by J. Rayle.

(2) Resolution on the Academic Bill of Rights submitted on J. Rayle.

(3) 240.02 Structure of Consultative Committees; 240.02 Stucture for Consultative Committees; and 240.03 Process for Election and General Duties and operating Procedures of Consultative Committees submitted by J. Barry

