January 25, 2005


1.CALL TO ORDER: The 8th meeting of the Faculty Senate for 2004-2005 was called to order at 1:15 PM on January 25, 2005 in the Corey Union Fireplace Lounge by Chair Ram Chaturvedi.


SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT: R. Chaturvedi, J. Rayle, P. Buckenmeyer, D. Driscoll, D. Berger, M. King, K. Alwes, L. Anderson (sabbatical), J. Cottone, J. Hokanson, Rombach, B. Griffen, K. Pristash, J. Peluso, D. Ritchie, A. Young, E. Bitterbaum, D. Davis-Russell, R. Franco, W. Shaut, B. Kissel, D. Kreh


SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: C. DeGouff, P. Walsh, D. Canaski, A. Henderson-Harr, T. Phillips, P. Schroeder, D. Vegas, D. Kirchner, N. Libous, C. Plunkett, J. Governali, P. Buckenmeyer


GUESTS PRESENT: G. Levine, P. Koryzno, R. Olsson, M. Prus, E. Caffarella, Y. Murname



The Minutes from December 7 were approved.



There was a vote to approve the nominations from the library to two committees (SEE Area Senators reports} (Approved)


There was a vote that the Senate participate in the search for the new Director of International Programs (Passed)



The Chair welcomed Senators D. Berger and D. Ritchie to the meeting.He also reported that some Senate committees still do not have full membership with Math/Science constituting the most under-represented areas.He had a list of committees which J. Barry had distributed electronically via e-mail.There was no Steering Committee meeting the prior Tuesday due to a lack of quorum.He also said Thomas Mwanika had sent a memo to the committee about an issue and the Chair would bring it to the next Steering Committee meeting.Joanne Barry was supposed to be present at that day�s Senate meeting to present a white paper, but was not in attendance. President Bitterbaum reported that he would address that in his report.



Rayle announced on behalf of Meg Richardson and the Faculty Development Committee that they would hold a workshop on Friday, �Peer Evaluation in Teaching,� which would consist of two workshops, being held at 9:00 and 10:30. Information would be sent out on e-mail.


He also reported that he is interested in putting together a Sandwich Seminar on �Getting to Know Your Faculty Senate� which would cover how to make motions, as well as other topics. He expressed that he is looking for people who are willing to help out, such as former officers and Senators. He asked anyone who might like to contribute to contact him and that he would be very grateful for any assistance.



No report.



The Senate account has a balance of $1078.57. The Treasurer could not attend the meeting but thanked those who contributed and encouraged everyone to keep sending and soliciting dues.



The President reported that the Cabinet met the day before and reviewed a white paper written by J. Barry. It will be addressed at the next Faculty Senate meeting, with a delay in order that changes can be made.


He announced that his office received a telephone call from Corning Community College. President Bitterbaum offered some back ground information that he had previously worked at another campus in West Virginia with their president. As a result, he reported, Corning would like to develop a branch campus at SUNY Cortland.This would have to go through Middle States.There are 8 programs that Corning is very interested in, but they are going to start looking at 3 initially.


The School of Professional Studies is working on a Master�s program because SUNY is interested in being able to deliver online programs to New Yorkers.


His office also has been working with the county to clean up Contento�s, formerly a junkyard, where toxic wastes had been dumped.D. Berger asked the President if this area had been tested for PCB�s and the President replied that it�s actually a brown-field and qualified people from ESF will be there to help re-mediate any health hazards and/or concerns.Berger expressed that he did not want to see it just covered up and President Bitterbaum reassured him that proper precautions will be undertaken.


Dave Ritchie asked the President about Mohawk Valley and whether or not the campus is now attempting to phase that campus out in favor of a Corning campus.Ritchie expressed that he knew in recent semesters a number of courses were not offered at Mohawk Valley that had been offered before, and he said his understanding is that the number of offerings have been reduced substantially.


President Bitterbaum clarified that SUNY Cortland is still very committed to Mohawk Valley. He said that although we have a strong commitment, unfortunately, classes had been relegated to a very old building which made it difficult for students to use such things as the library and computers, with frustration running very high.His hopes are that what doesn�t exist at Mohawk Valley, may be offered at Corning.


Y. Murmane added that they have a huge course list at Mohawk Valley. However, she stated, it is tied in with SUNY mandates that have to be followed from the State Education Department.She said, �We can�t offer a full program there because Mohawk Valley does not qualify.One of the things they are offering there is course offerings asynchronously which will help.�


Ritchie asked if Corning Community College is still a community college entity?


Murmane deferred to Bitterbaum who responded that there are differences that exist between extension centers and branch campuses.


The Provost clarified that one difference is that Mohawk Valley offers graduate courses. Corning is working on completion of the baccalaureate.She said, �We are entering into an arrangement with them where students who complete there first two years at Corning can then complete their degree at SUNY Cortland.�


There was general discussion about library needs and Mohawk Valley not having a library with graduate materials. They hope Corning will have a suitable library.


The Provost said that they would like to offer Learning and Education programs at Corning, but if they offer more than 50%, it would have to go through the Middle State process with prior permission to do that.


Ritchie stressed that if a budget were established pertaining to setting up libraries, he hoped that since our own library�s budget was flattened over the last 3 years, any money for support also be designated to our own campus library.


President Bitterbaum emphasized that they always encourage donors to leave their money to the library.


The Provost reminded Ritchie that although there have been budget cutbacks, there have been some recent library acquisitions. The President asked Ritchie if he was referring to books to which Ritchie responded that he really was referring to books and serials.



The Provost announced that in May, John Ogden, Director of International Programs, is retiring and she wanted to know if the Senate would like to participate in the search. She said that since Ogden is retiring in May, it is a very busy time in that office with students planning for their year abroad, and she asked if the Senate wished to participate if they could do anything to expedite the process.


Buckenmeyer made a motion asking if the Senate wished to participate.


Rayle asked if the Senate�s participation would help or hinder the search.


The Provost said they have a system of International Coordinators and that each department on campus has one or two international coordinators who work with the International Programs Office and the Center for International Education. She said the Senate may want to pull people from that group of individuals who already have expertise in that area.


Rayle said he would be willing to offer that the Senate defer on participation if that would hasten the process.


The Provost said if the Senate authorized her to do so she could solicit faculty from that group.


The Chair emphasized that the motion was strictly whether or not the Senate wished to participate and discussion should be confined to that.

Berger asked for clarification, since he has been away on sabbatical, if there wasn�t already a pool of candidates for such purposes? He also asked if that pool wasn�t constituted to expedite the process?


The Provost said that she and President Taylor had suggested such a pool and there was one, but whether or not it is working efficiently was for the chair to determine.


Berger reiterated Rayle�s concern that Senate involvement could actually hinder the process.


The Chair emphasized that the Senate was obligated to vote on whether or not it wanted to participate in the search and not separate concerns.


Berger called the question and it was voted on. There was a majority vote of Senate involvement.


Vice President Franco reported �good news� that although the dorms were overcrowded this fall and they thought they might have to triple incoming students, they did not. The new residence hall is enclosed so that work could continue inside for the winter. He was informed by Vice President Shaut that the dorm will be on time and, hopefully, on budget.


SGA had their first meeting the previous night with a large group. Fee increases were discussed by the Vice President of Finance and Management, Dr. Shaut. Franco was �impressed with the way they handled the topic,� announcing the students were, �very polite, mature, civil andinsightful. It was a great exercise.�


The President asked Franco to share the news about the new Student Life Center.


Franco reported on the Student Life Center which Julian Wright has been working on for many years. He described it as a building with recreational opportunities, all purpose, with raquetteball, a climbing wall, and lots of opportunities for students to get together in a physical way. He said, �It has come, in my opinion, to be the next evolution of student unions on many campuses built in last 25 years.�He reported that the funding for many of these centers has come from student fees.In other states, many governments allowed students to go into debt to commit themselves into bonding the construction of these facilities. New York, he stated, was the exception only until very recently when they were asked at the system level if they wanted to participate in bonding one. He said the administration expressed that they were very interested. Yesterday at the Cabinet they put a team together to look at specifics, such as cost and where it would be located, which he stated, �In my opinion is a very, very exciting possibility. There�s a lot of detail that has to be worked out at the state level...�


D. Ritchie asked what changes took place that allowed for this possibility?


Bitterbaum responded this came from an email from the Chancellor�s office which represented a new interpretation by system attorneys where the language has been changed allowing for it.He said SUNY is going to have to go through a series of hearings and a draft involving the 64 campuses that participate.He said, �There�s a lot of work that still needs to be done.Senator Lavalle introduced the legislative language last year.�


Vice President Shaut said the first step in increasing student mandatory fees goes before the Cabinet. He reported, �There�s a ceiling fee increase based on the higher education price index. For us that would be $44.00.� He said students approved all fee increases, including not only students attending here. He added, �If the $500 tuition increase the Governor requested gets approved, we would have an offsetting reduction in state support.� He further stated, �There would be no increase in our budget and would cover contracted salary increases.�




Long Range Planning Committee - No report.


Educational Policy Committee - No report.


Student Affairs Committee - P. Buckenmeyer said next month his committee will be looking at Faculty Senate scholarships. He alerted D. Vegas, SGA President, that the scholarship is out there for any interested students. Franco also reported it was announced the night before at Student Senate.


Faculty Affairs Committee - No report.Kreh reported that G. Clarke had announced at the Steering Committee meeting that they are working on departmental policies in the English (and Physics) Department.


College Research Committee - No report.


General Education Committee - M. Prus reported that the General Education Committee meeting was held a week ago that Monday and he was the only one present. Chaturvedi also mentioned the General Education Task Force which, Prus stressed, is separate from GEC. That group, represented by C. Vanderkarr, has been working to present a proposal to the Faculty Senate on the restructuring of General Education, which will be coming to the Senate early this semester.


XI. SUNY SENATOR�S REPORT: - No report. Chair Chaturvedi reported that the SUNY Senate would meet on 28th of January where Vice Chair Rayle will be representing the Faculty Senate. He said if anyone has anything they would like to share that Rayle would be more than happy to bring that information forward at that meeting.




Committee on Committees - No report.



No new business



There was no new business.



Ritchie announced that there are two additional nominees from the library on the following committees: Student Affairs Committee, Mark Connell, Faculty Affairs Committee, Karen Coombs. The Senate approved these nominations.





No report.


The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM


Respectively Submitted,


Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary

