����������������������������������� ����������� FACULTY SENATE MINUTES #3

����������������������������������������������� ����������� October 6, 2009


The third meeting of the Faculty Senate 2009-2010 was called to order by Chair Kathleen Lawrence on Tuesday,

October 6, 2009 at 1:15 PM in Brockway Hall, Jacobus Lounge.


SENATORS AND MEMBERS PRESENT:  K. Lawrence, D. Miller, T. Vigars, D. Videto, R. Grantham,

O. White, B. Buxton, J. Kim, K. Hempson, L. Klotz, A. Swindon, D. Harrington, P. Schroeder, G. Magnanti,

A. Batchelder, J. Campanaro, D. Driscoll, E. Bitterbaum, M. Prus, G. Clarke, S. Anderson, M. Connell


SENATORS AND MEMBERS ABSENT: J. Reese, S. Rayl, R. Borden, E. McCabe,

T. Slack, M. Ware, B. Schecter, R. Franco, G. Sharer, J. Hendrick, R. Collings


GUESTS PRESENT:  P. Koryzno, J. Mosher


I  APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES:  There was a motion for approval of the minutes

from September 22, 2009.



There was a vote to approve the Minutes from September 22, 2009 (Approved)


There was a motion to approve the nominations for vacancies on the Committee on Committees

(Approved) (SEE Appendix 1)


There was a motion to approve Donna Videto as Faculty Senate Treasurer (Approved)

(SEE Appendix1 )


There was a motion to approve the Committee on Committees to conduct a special

election for the four Arts and Sciences at-large vacancies and one Social and Behavioral

Studies vacancy (Approved)


III CHAIR�S REPORT:   Chair Lawrence reported on the Open Forums being held by the

Strategic Planning Committee and encouraged everyone to attend.


IV. VICE CHAIR:  D. Miller � No report.


V. TREASURER�S REPORT:  Chair Lawrence announced that the call for Faculty

Senate dues will be going out soon.


VI.  SECRETARY�S REPORT:  T. Vigars - There was no report.


VII.  PRESIDENT�S REPORT:   The President gave a brief report.




Student Affairs Committee  - M. Connell � The chair reported that his committee met.


Academic Faculty Affairs CommitteeR. Collings � No report.


Long-Range Planning CommitteeNo report.


Educational Policy Committee  R. Spitzer - No report. The EPC Proposal �Definition

of Capstone Courses and Capstone Experiences� was introduced under New Business

(SEE Appendix3 )


Professional Affairs CommitteeG. Clarke � No report.




Committee on Committees -  J. Barry, Chair � There was a report from the Committee

on Committees, J. Barry, Chair. The nominations for vacancies on the committee were approved.

The nomination of Donna Videto as Treasurer was approved. (Approved) (SEE Appendix1)


College Research CommitteeP. Ducey, Chair � L. Klotz gave a report. (SEE Appendix2)


General Education CommitteeJ. Hendrick, Chair � No report.



D. Miller reported on the nominations for the vacancies in Arts and Sciences�D. Berger, R. Kendrick,

term �09-�11; M. McGuire term �08-�10; and W. Miller for Soc. and Beh. Sciences term �09-�11.

Miller moved that the Senate request that the Committee on Committees hold a special election to

fill these vacancies.



XII. STUDENT SENATOR�S REPORTS:  The students gave a brief report.



There was no Old Business



The EPC Proposal �Description of Capstone Courses and Capstone Experiences� was introduced and

will be an agenda item under Old Business and voted on at the next Faculty Senate meeting on October

20, 2009. (SEE Appendix )

Respectfully Submitted:


Barbara Kissel

Recording Secretary


The following reports are appended to the minutes in the order they are submitted:


����� (1)Committee on Committee�s report, submitted by J. Barry, Chair


����� (2)Report from the College Research Committee, L. Klotz


������ (3) EPC Proposal �Description of Capstone Courses and Capstone Experiences�



Committee on Committees � Report to the Faculty Senate

October 6, 2009

Submitted by J. Barry, Chair

Item # 1

Consultative search committees for the three positions were formed, and full membership for

each is noted below:

  • Assistant Provost for Teacher Education
    • Mary Gfeller (appointed)
    • Mike Kniffen (appointed)
    • Andrea Lachance
    • Donna Margine
    • Virginia Marty
    • Wendy McAllister (HR)
    • Anne Marie Rossi (student)
    • Peg Waltman (classified)
    • Mary Ware
  • Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences
    • Joanne Barry (HR)
    • Aaron Batchelder (student)
    • Cindy Benton
    • Steve Broyles
    • Bob Darling
    • Nancy Mead (classified)
    • Mecke Nagel
    • Lori Schlicht
    • Kevin Sheets
  • Director of Financial Advisement
    • Amy Dahlman (appointed)
    • Colleen DeGouff
    • Linda Eastman (classified)
    • Beth Langhans
    • Gabrielle Magnanti (student)
    • Kevin Puukila (appointed)
    • Kim Slater
    • Mark Yacavone

Item #2

The Committee on Committees recommends the following committee appointments which require

Faculty Senate confirmation:

College Curriculum Review Committee, Fine Arts/Humanities (complete unexpired term) �

Karen Zimmerman

College Curriculum Review Committee, Social/Behavioral Sciences (2009-11) � Stephen Halebsky

Item #3

An election was held for the Faculty Senate Secretary.Teri Vigars was elected.

Item #4 

Donna Videto was nominated for Faculty Senate Treasurer, and the Committee on Committees recommends

this appointment.This recommendation requires approval of the Faculty Senate.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Barry


College Research Committee - Report to the Faculty Senate

October 6, 2009

Submitted by Laurie Klotz

1.Peter Ducey has been elected chair.

2.Agenda items determined to date are:

a) Planning an internal grants workshop for October 14th from 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

b) Finalizing details (applications, dates, etc.) for the Faculty Research Program (FRP) and

Research Travel Grants.Details are available at the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website,


c) Clarifying application process and criteria for Outstanding Achievement in Research Award (OARA).

d) Discussing how the CRC should best serve with regard to grant applications submitted to the

National Endowment of the Arts.

e) Discussing the interaction of student research initiatives and the role of the CRC.

f) Discussing how best to facilitate faculty and professional staff research efforts across campus.

College Research Committee - Report to the Faculty Senate

October 6, 2009

Submitted by Laurie Klotz

1.Peter Ducey has been elected chair.

2.Agenda items determined to date are:

a) Planning an internal grants workshop for October 14th from 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

b) Finalizing details (applications, dates, etc.) for the Faculty Research Program (FRP) and Research

Travel Grants.Details are available at the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website,


c) Clarifying application process and criteria for Outstanding Achievement in Research Award (OARA).

d) Discussing how the CRC should best serve with regard to grant applications submitted to the National

Endowment of the Arts.

e) Discussing the interaction of student research initiatives and the role of the CRC.

f) Discussing how best to facilitate faculty and professional staff research efforts across campus.


Definition of Capstone Courses and Capstone Experiences

submitted by R. Spitzer, Chair, EPC Committee

September 29, 2009

The EPC voted unanimously on September 23rd, 2009, to propose the following addition to the Undergraduate

Catalog. It would appear in the Undergraduate Catalog under Degree Requirements, Bachelor�s Degree, in the

section entitled Bachelor�s Degree Requirement and Certifications.  A new Item 8 would be inserted at the end

of that section (to follow the current Item 7: Definition of Special Topics Courses).
This definition would also be added to Appendix B of the Curriculum Change Guide.
Item 8:  Definition of Capstone Courses and Capstone Experiences
Programs may create and offer capstone courses and experiences. These courses and experiences serve to integrate

a student�s learning in a program of study.  Generally, capstone courses or experiences should comprise one or more

400-level courses taken in the final semesters of a student�s program of study.  Programs may allow more than one course

to fulfill a capstone requirement, and they may allow capstone courses or experiences to fulfill other requirements in the

program of study.
This addition is being proposed pursuant to a request from the College Curriculum Review Committee for guidance

regarding capstone courses.  The committee asked the EPC for specific clarification on whether or not more than

one course can qualify as a capstone course in a single program and whether or not capstone courses can also fulfill

other program requirements.  In proposing this addition to the Catalog and the Curriculum Change Guide, the EPC

seeks to offer appropriate guidelines for the review of capstone courses, while leaving departments and programs

the flexibility to adapt capstone courses and experiences to their particular needs.
