School of Professional Studies Curriculum Meeting

Minutes:� 4-8-08


Present:����������� Jill Murphy, Mark Dodds, Thomas Fuchs, Joy Hendrick, Eileen Gravani, Regina Grantham


Called To Order at 8:50 am


1� Approval of 3-25-08 Minutes���������� Passed 4-0


2� Revisit SPM 452

����������� M. Dodds made suggested changes from last presentation.

����������� A� First page change B-40 Van Hoesen to B-1 Van Hoesen

B� Friendly recommendation that abbreviated title on syllabus be the official title

����������� C� Circle �Standard Letter Grade� mode


Contingent Pass 5-0 w/ edits as noted


3� M. Dodds handed out program changes for Alteration of Existing Program Form 5

����������� A� Change Program title on Form 5 to B.S. in Sport Management

����������� B� Under justification, it should state that SPM 247 was added to electives

����������� C Form 5 � editing change � accidental omission of info at end of second

��������������� paragraph

����������� D Suggestion that Department Chair write an accompanying cover memo

���������������� Highlighting all the individual changes

����������� E� Suggestions were made to clarify credit changes for each section with

���������������� A specific mention of insertion of two new courses SPM 452 and SPM 247

����������� F� Suggestion to also provide a chart with changes on it � making it as clear as

���������������� possible.


Program Changes Need to be Resubmitted� 6-0 in favor.


4� EXS 551 Form 2

����������� A� Cover Sheet � change in existing title

����������� B� Course description changes

����������� C� J. Hendrick will check if current course is a requirement for other departments

����������� D� Add �M� and �3 credit hours� to syllabus course description


Contingent Pass 6-0



5� EXS 613� Form 1

����������� A� Probable instructor:� Change to �Matt Moran replacement hire�

����������� B� Change #6 to �only open to MSED in PE students� to clarify differences

���������������� Between PED 613 and EXS 613

����������� C� Ten week session with two weeks on campus

����������� D� Type in Location as �Online� in syllabus

����������� E� Typo � Total Points and remove italics on word �to� under Class Contributions

����������� ���� in syllabus

Contingent Pass 6-0


6� EXS 660

����������� A� Probable instructor:� Change to �Matt Moran replacement hire�

����������� B� Typo � Total Points and remove italics on word �to� under Class Contributions

����������� ���� in syllabus

����������� C� Type in Location as �Online� in syllabus


Contingent Pass 6-0


7� EXS 671� Form 1

����������� A� Under item 5, investigate whether supervisors need to be named

����������� B� Course description � Prerequisite:� completion of 20 credit hours in M.S.

����������� ����� Degree and permission of Kinesiology Department

����������� C� Under Item 3, add prerequisite information

����������� D� Course description on syllabus should be identical to that on Form 1

����������� E� Have Coaching Internship Evaluation and Grading items be consistent

����������� ���� with Evaluation of Student Performance


Contingent Pass� 6-0


8� Kinesiology Master of Science in Coaching Proposal Form 4

����������� Based on changes on corresponding coursework discussed


Contingent Pass 6-0


9��������� Remaining General Kinesiology courses tabled until next meeting


Adjourned at 9:51 am


Respectfully submitted,



Thomas Fuchs