School of Education

Curriculum Committee Minutes

Proposals, Discussion, and Actions

Meeting of October 6, 2006

Cornish Hall, Room D218

11:00 p.m.


Present:� Pamela Summers, Joseph Rayle, Susan Stratton (for Emilie Kudela,) Marley Barduhn


Guest:� Rita Rosenberg


The agenda was introduced and passed.


Determination of Chair:� Pam Summers stated that she was willing to continue on as chair of the committee.� Joseph made a motion to accept Pam�s proposal; Susan seconded, and the committee agreed that Pam will continue as chair.


Old Business:


FSA 550 � The committee wished to discuss the proposal prior to inviting Rita for clarification and further discussion.


This was sent back last year for revision.� Michelle Kelly worked with Rita and it is in much better shape, however, there are still some concerns.� The last proposal was in no shape to come before this committee.� There seemed to be no understanding of course proposals.� Marley suggested that this curricular process begin in Fall 2005 to ensure adequate time for curricular review prior to implementation after offering it for the third time as a special topics course.


Susan thinks that this is a great place to offer a course.� She feels that the quality of the readings is not graduate level work.� There is a concern also, that there is a non-academic instructor listed as the instructor for the course.� It is not a faculty member. She referenced a memorandum from the Provost.� Would this course be considered as study abroad?� Also, the fees involved are not addressed in the proposal.� If the course is cross-listed with EDU, there must be approval from the department.


Marley questioned how this would be counted as study abroad with an FSA prefix.� With an international field component there is a precedent in POL 160 where there is an international seminar involved.� Also, Marine Biology, BIO 315, is another example where students have an international field component in the Caribbean in January.


Because this has a department prefix, it won�t be calculated as a Study Abroad course and will be underreported when the Registrar sends CASA Data to SUNY System.� There is also a concern with the fees involved and process for securing approval.� If there is an annual increase, Rita will have to go back each year to address and get approval for the increase.


Pam mentioned that she has some concerns with the syllabus.� In the Course Schedule of Events, on Day 5 it indicates �group presentations.�� Group presentations of what?� Is there an evaluation of the student�s work?� Also, there is no self-assessment portfolio rubric.� There is no way of assessing activities.� There is not a lot of judgment by the instructor.


In Part 2 of the syllabus, how does this connect with the NCATE and ACEI.� This is not addressed.� It must be identified and tied in to the conceptual framework.


Marley talked about how this proposal is �out of the box� for us.� It is not like anything else that we have in the school.� It is very innovative.� Susan talked about how it is like Comparative Education similar to the British.� It is a safe place, English is the dominant language, it is developmentally appropriate, there is huge exposure to diversity and there is also the environmental aspect.� This is a great opportunity for our students.� We need to ask Rita what her ultimate goal is.� What do you want students to get out of this?


It would be good to do some prep work on the internet.� There is no introduction prior to landing in Belize.� Participating in the program and setting it up are two different things entirely.� The consensus it that this is worth the effort.� However, it is too light on academics and there is a need for focus on a more rigorous academic description.� For the portfolio, there is a need for a rubric.


Rita joined the committee for further discussion.


Pam explained that this needs to happen and this course needs to go forward.� The concerns of the committee are as follows:


        Course fees, SAB complexities need to be addressed (This is a college thing and is not within the purview of this committee.

        There is no student contact prior to the trip.

Rita explained that they meet with students at orientation from here.� If the student cannot attend orientation, there is an e-mail sent with information and also a telephone call is made to the student.

����������� ●��� The academic basic information needs to be explicitly explained.


The book entitled Language in Education must be read prior to the trip.


Pam explained the concern with �experience versus course.�� There is an expectation that academic rigor be associated with the course.� The syllabus needs more focus toward that of an academic course.� For the portfolio development, a rubric needs to be included.� There needs to be a connection between activities and assessments tied to NCATE and ACEI standards.� The conceptual framework also needs to be tied in.


Rita explained that she had met with Michelle Kelly and Janet Duncan last semester and she took their recommendations into consideration when reworking the proposal.� She is surprised that the department was not aware of these shortfalls.� She could have been working on this proposal all summer.� She doesn�t have the time available to work on it now.� Joseph volunteered to work with Rita in an effort to make this work.� Rita agreed that she will work on the rubric.� Joseph will work on the rest.


The committee agreed that this is worth it.� We all see the value and would like to see this move forward.� It is an opportunity for students to experience a third world country.


February 1 is the deadline for summer courses to be determined.� Rita will look at other SAB courses and will work with Joseph.


Currently there is no graduate course.� This is out of the box.� Why is this proposed as a graduate level rather than an undergraduate level course?� Many are in-service teachers who are taking this for professional development and some receive salary increments.� Now we have seniors, Recreation and Leisure students, etc., who are interested in this.


We need to work with the Office of International Programs to see about how this would be counted in SAB figures.� Students might sign up for a SAB 500 or 660 course and FSA 550 is what would get transferred in unless the department chair approves a course substitution for something else


Action:� Tabled.


CECE Program Revisions � Susan Stratton, attending for Emilie, gave a brief overview of the rationale for the change in program.� There has been a reduction in the total hours for graduation.� The breadth of the course has been greatly improved.� Originally, Block 1 consisted of 25 hours of field experience and Block 2 consisted of 75 hours.� Under the new proposal this inequity has been addressed and balanced to 50/50 for each, and both are supervised.� Marley commented that as we move toward a more professional model, this will nicely dovetail.� Program revision statewide has dropped middle childhood extensions.� This is lacking statewide.


EDU 315 � (GE 12 � Replaces POL 100 or ECO 105; formerly CAP 314)� It is important to have students understand the power of technology and the impact on society; to have an understanding of HTML.� It is better placed earlier in the program.� Ethics are important, especially as a teacher.� Joseph commented that work in connection with social structure is good; there are patterns of ownership with media.


What is the penalty for excessive absence?� This is not addressed in the Course Attendance Policy.� It can�t be more than 1/3 of a letter grade.


This course must be approved by the GE Committee because it is a GE 12.


It was noted that there is no A+ under Grade Equivalent.� Is this by design?� Yes, this is intentional.


NAEYC is not included; is there a reason for this?� Because this used to be a CAP course, it needs to be included as does the NCATE Conceptual Framework references.


Action:� Tabled pending NAEYC and links with the Conceptual Framework.


EDU 378 � (Note:� EDU 478 is the second phase)� This acknowledges that there is a social curriculum going on.� What does that mean?� This is addressed in the Course Objectives.� Many students have a cursory understanding of diversity but are lacking experience.� This course addresses learning with involvement in the community and the creating of that understanding and environment in the classroom.� There are links to the home and larger family and community.� The focus on the social aspect is excellent.� Assignment number three talks about the Cooperative Group Presentation.� Are the students given the skills to do this?� During the facilitation, there would be discussion on roles and how to assist children to learn how to do this.� There is a quote by Butchart mentioned in the �Required Elements,� however, this is not mentioned in the required readings.


The course objective addresses Social Curriculum versus Social Studies Curriculum.� Is this clear throughout the syllabus?� Is it defined?� The definition is in there; however, it is not clearly defined.� The Social Studies part is clear but the Social part is not.� It is embedded throughout the syllabus, as seen in item numbers two and four and it is implied in number five.� This is an important concept and �it doesn�t come out and say it.�� It is probably okay to let it go but you must be sure that it is explained at the next level.� Define what Social Curriculum is.



Action: - Passed.� Pam will sign off and hold pending the remaining proposals.


Prefx #

Course Title

Requested Action






FSA 550

Institute in Western Belize


Discussed need for some prep work prior to departure; concerns with syllabus/lack of rubric for portfolios and ties to NCATE/ACEI/Conceptual Framwork; Work w/SAB Office re:transfer credit





Program Revision


Hold for passing course proposals



EDU 315

Critical Media Literacy: Values, Educ. And Society


GE 12, Need approval from GE Committee; need to tie in to NAEYC and links w/Conceptual Framework





EDU 378

The Social and Academic Curriculum I


(EDU 478 is the second phase) Define Social/Social Studies curriculum; focus on the social aspect excellent





EDU 379

�Inquiry into Curriculum, Technology and Teaching





EDU 478

The Social and Academic Curriculum II





EDU 479

Integrated Curriculum Planning, Technology and Practicum







�ECE 334

Infant and Toddler Curriculum





INT 303

Fine Arts and Early Learning
